System Administration Guide, Volume 3

Using the rpcinfo Command

This example gathers information on the RPC services running on a server. The text generated by the command is filtered by the sort command to make it more readable. Several lines listing RPC services have been deleted from the example.

% rpcinfo -s bee |sort -n
   program version(s) netid(s)                         service     owner
    100000  2,3,4     udp,tcp,ticlts,ticotsord,ticots  portmapper  superuser
    100001  4,3,2     ticlts,udp                       rstatd      superuser
    100002  3,2       ticots,ticotsord,tcp,ticlts,udp  rusersd     superuser
    100003  3,2       tcp,udp                          nfs         superuser
    100005  3,2,1     ticots,ticotsord,tcp,ticlts,udp  mountd      superuser
    100008  1         ticlts,udp                       walld       superuser
    100011  1         ticlts,udp                       rquotad     superuser
    100012  1         ticlts,udp                       sprayd      superuser
    100021  4,3,2,1   ticots,ticotsord,ticlts,tcp,udp  nlockmgr    superuser
    100024  1         ticots,ticotsord,ticlts,tcp,udp  status      superuser
    100026  1         ticots,ticotsord,ticlts,tcp,udp  bootparam   superuser
    100029  2,1       ticots,ticotsord,ticlts          keyserv     superuser
    100068  4,3,2     tcp,udp                          cmsd        superuser
    100078  4         ticots,ticotsord,ticlts          kerbd       superuser
    100083  1         tcp,udp                          -           superuser
    100087  11        udp                              adm_agent   superuser
    100088  1         udp,tcp                          -           superuser
    100089  1         tcp                              -           superuser
    100099  1         ticots,ticotsord,ticlts          pld         superuser
    100101  10        tcp,udp                          event       superuser
    100104  10        udp                              sync        superuser
    100105  10        udp                              diskinfo    superuser
    100107  10        udp                              hostperf    superuser
    100109  10        udp                              activity    superuser
    100227  3,2       tcp,udp                          -           superuser
    100301  1         ticlts                           niscachemgr superuser
    390100  3         udp                              -           superuser
1342177279  1,2       tcp                              -           14072

This example shows how to gather information about a particular RPC service using a particular transport on a server.

% rpcinfo -t bee mountd
program 100005 version 1 ready and waiting
program 100005 version 2 ready and waiting
program 100005 version 3 ready and waiting
% rpcinfo -u bee nfs
program 100003 version 2 ready and waiting
program 100003 version 3 ready and waiting

The first example checks the mountd service running over TCP. The second example checks the NFS service running over UDP.