System Administration Guide, Volume 3

UUCP User Programs

The UUCP user programs are in /usr/bin. You do not need special permission to use these programs.


Connects your machine to a remote computer so that you can log in to both at the same time. cu enables you to transfer files or execute commands on either machine without dropping the initial link. (See the cu(1C) man page for details.)


Lets you copy a file from one machine to another. It creates work files and data files, queues the job for transfer, and calls the uucico daemon, which in turn attempts to contact the remote computer. (See the uucp(1C) man page for details.)


Copies files from the local machine to the public spool directory /var/spool/uucppublic/receive on the remote machine. Unlike uucp, which lets you copy a file to any accessible directory on the remote machine, uuto places the file in an appropriate spool directory and tells the remote user to pick it up with uupick. (See the uuto(1C) man page for details.)


Retrieves files in /var/spool/uucppublic/receive when files are transferred to a computer using uuto. (See the uuto(1C) man page.)


Creates the work, data, and execute files needed to execute commands on a remote machine. (See the uux(1C) man page for details.)


Displays the status of requested transfers (uucp, uuto, or uux). It also provides a means of controlling queued transfers. (See the uustat(1C) man page for details.)