Solaris 8 (SPARC Platform Edition) Installation Guide

To Check the Integrity of an Installed Product

  1. Do you want to check the integrity of software products installed on the system?

    • If no, stop, you're done.

    • If yes, go to the next step.

  2. If the Solaris Product Registry is not already running, type:


    Note -

    In most cases, you do not need to specify the path /usr/bin/.

    The Solaris Product Registry window, which contains the System registry, is displayed.

  3. To view the list of installed and registered software, click the turner control to its left.

  4. Select the software you want by clicking its name in the window titled "Software installed in Solaris Registry."

    If all or part of the product was removed with the pkgrm command, the message "Missing files in one or more components" is displayed after the "Installed from" attribute.