Solaris 8 (Intel Platform Edition) Installation Guide

Adding and Removing Packages With pkgadd and pkgrm

To Add Packages With pkgadd

  1. Log in to the installed or updated system and become superuser:

    # su
  2. Insert the CD that contains the software you want to add to the system into the CD-ROM drive attached to the system.

    Volume Manager automatically mounts the CD.

  3. Note the directory path to the software on the CD you want to add.

  4. Add one or more packages to the system:

    # /usr/sbin/pkgadd -d device_name pkgid



    Is the directory path to the CD that contains the software you want to add to the installed system. 


    Is the name of the software package to be added to the installed system. For example, SUNWaudio.

  5. When you're done, use the pkgchk(1M) command to verify that the package is installed correctly:

    # /usr/sbin/pkgchk -v pkgid

    If no errors are found, pkgchk returns a list of installed files. If an error is found, pkgchk returns a message that describes the problem.

Example: Installing Software From a Mounted CD

The following example shows how to use pkgadd to install the SUNWaudio package from a mounted Solaris 8 Software 1 of 2 Intel Platform Edition CD.

Note -

The name of this product is Solaris 8 but code and path or package path names might use Solaris_2.8 or SunOS_5.8. Always follow the code or path as it is written.

# /usr/sbin/pkgadd -d /cdrom/sol_8_ia/Solaris_8/Product SUNWaudio.
Installation of <SUNWaudio> was successful. 
# pkgchk -v SUNWaudio

To Remove Packages With pkgrm

  1. Log in to the installed or updated system and become superuser:

    # su
  2. Remove one or more packages from the system:

    # /usr/sbin/pkgrm pkgid

    Where pkgid is the name of the software package you want to remove from the installed system. For example, SUNWaudio.

  3. At each prompt, type y, n, or q to specify that you want to remove the package, not remove the package, or quit.

  4. When you're done, use the pkgchk(1M) command to verify that the package was removed correctly:

    # /usr/sbin/pkgchk -v pkgid

    If the package was not removed correctly, pkgchk returns a warning message.

Example: Removing Software From a System

The following example shows how to use pkgrm to remove the SUNWaudio package from a system.

# /usr/sbin/pkgrm SUNWaudio
The following package is currently installed:
   SUNWaudio       Audio applications
                   (i386) 3.6.20,REV=1.2000.11.7

Do you want to remove this package? y
Removal of <SUNWaudio> was successful.
# pkgchk -v SUNWaudio
WARNING: no pathnames were associated with <SUNWaudio>