Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide

IA: Create the Marketing Group's Profile

For the marketing systems, you create a file named marketing_prof in the /jumpstart directory. The marketing_prof file contains the following entries, which define the Solaris 8 software to be installed on systems in the marketing group:

 [Specifies that the installation is to be treated as an initial installation, as opposed to an upgrade.]  install_type  initial_install
 [Specifies that the marketing systems are standalone systems.] 	system_type   standalone
 [Specifies that the JumpStart software is to use default disk partitioning for installing Solaris on the marketing systems.] 	partitioning  default
 [Specifies that the End User System Support software group is to be installed.] 	cluster       SUNWCuser
 [Specifies that the audio demo software package is to be added to each system.] 	package       SUNWaudio