Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide

Reallocating Disk Space for an Upgrade

# profile keywords         profile values
# ----------------         -------------------
 [This profile upgrades a system by reallocating disk space. In this example, disk space must be reallocated because some file systems on the system did not have enough room for the upgrade.] 	install_type             upgrade
 [The root file system on c0t3d0s2 is upgraded.] 	root_device              c0t3d0s2
 [A remote system named timber is to be used to back up data during the disk space reallocation.]  backup_media             remote_filesystem timber:/export/scratch
 [The layout_constraint keywords designate that auto-layout can change slice 2 and 4 (the slices can be moved to another location and their size can be changed) and that it can move slice 5 (the slice can be moved to another location but its size stays the same) when it tries to reallocate disk space for the upgrade.]  layout_constraint        c0t3d0s2 changeable 100
  layout_constraint        c0t3d0s4 changeable
  layout_constraint        c0t3d0s5 movable
 [The binary compatibility package (SUNWbcp) is not installed on the system after the upgrade.] 	package                  SUNWbcp delete
 [This code ensures that the OPEN LOOK and X Window System man pages and the universal multiplexor software are to be installed if they are not already installed on the system. (All packages already on the system are automatically upgraded.)] 	package                  SUNWolman add
  package                  SUNWxwman add
	 cluster                  SUNWCumux add
 [The German localization packages are to be installed on the system.] 	locale                   de