WebNFS Developer's Guide


The NFS URL is a global, universal name for naming files or directories on any NFS server. The general form is similar to that of other URL schemes: nfs://server/path where the scheme name is nfs and the server name is the name of any NFS server. The path is a slash-separated path that names an NFS-exported file on the server. The words "global" and "universal" are not simply buzzwords: "global" means that the URL can refer to a file or directory on any NFS server in the world whether the server is an IBM mainframe, a UNIX server, or a Windows NTTM server running NFS. The word "universal" means that the URL always has the same syntax whether the client is a MacintoshTM, Windows 95TM laptop, or VAX VMSTM Minicomputer. These properties are important for Java applications; Java applications must have global access via the Internet and to be "100% Pure JavaTM" they must run unchanged across all Java platforms.

The NFS URL Scheme is described in RFC 2224 (ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc2224txt).