WebNFS Developer's Guide


This appendix covers the following questions:

  1. "Why Do I Get "Permission Denied" Errors When I Try to Read My Own Files?"

  2. "When I Create a File Or Directory over NFS, Why Is It Owned by nobody?"

  3. "Why Won't My NFS URL Work with a Non-WebNFS Server?"

  4. "Can I Use an NFS Proxy Server?"

  5. "How Do I Access an Internet NFS Server Through My Firewall?"

  6. "Why Can't I Access Files on a Digital UNIX Server?"

  7. "How Do I Browse the Exported Filesystems of a Server?"

  8. "How Can I Tell If a File Is "Hidden"?"

  9. "What Kind of Cacheing Does the Java NFS Client Use?"

  10. "Using XFileOutputStream, I Write Data, But It Never Appears in the File. Why?"

  11. "How Do I Create or Read Symbolic Links?"

  12. "Can I Detect a Symbolic Link?"

  13. "Can I Control the Client's Read Size and Write Size?"

  14. "How Do I Lock a File Using the Extended Filesystem API?"

  15. "Where Can I Find Out More about NFS?"

  16. "How Do I Obtain the File Separator Character Using XFile?"

  17. "Do I Have to Type a URL to Access Any Non-Native File?"

  18. "What Happens If a Relative Name Looks Like a URL?"

  19. "How Do I Get or Set Attributes with XFile?"

  20. "How Do I Write an Accessor Class for a "Plug-in" Filesystem?"

  21. "Why Isn't XFile a Subclass of File?"