Solaris Common Messages and Troubleshooting Guide


Object is remote


This error occurs when users try to share a resource that is not on the local machine, or try to mount/unmount a device or path name that is on a remote machine.

Technical Notes

The symbolic name for this error is EREMOTE, errno=66.



This is the OpenBoot PROM monitor prompt. From this prompt, you can boot the system (from disk, CD-ROM, or net), or you can use the go command to continue where you left off.


If you suddenly see this prompt, look at the messages above it to see if the system crashed. If no other messages appear, and you just typed Stop-A or plugged in a new keyboard, type go to continue. You might need to Refresh the window system from its Workspace Menu.

Technical Notes

Never invoke sync from the prompt without first running the fsck(1M) command, especially if the file system has changed.

open: no such device or address from FW-1


The FW-1 has been installed on a disk other than the default root disk. If the Default Filter option is set (allowing a default filter to be automatically installed during boot), FW-1 tries to load the default security policy from $FWDIR, but the partition that contains $FWDIR is not yet mounted. This mismatch causes this error.


To work around this problem, follow these steps:

# cp /$FWDIR/modules/fwmod.5.x.0 /etc/fw.boot/
# cp /$FWDIR/modules/fw.mkdev /etc/fw.boot/
# cp /$FWDIR/modules/fw.conf /etc/fw.boot/
Go to /usr/kernel/drv and change the links as follows:

fw -> /etc/fw.boot/fwmod.5.x.0
fw.conf -> /etc/fw.boot/fw.conf

Operation already in progress


An operation was attempted on a non-blocking object that already had an operation in progress.

Technical Notes

The symbolic name for this error is EALREADY, errno=149.

Operation canceled


The associated asynchronous operation was canceled before completion.

Technical Notes

The symbolic name for this error is ECANCELED, errno=47.

operation failed [error 185], unknown group error 0, string


When you use admintool to add a user to a newly created group, admintool issues this error.


Apply patch 101384-05 to fix bug ID 1151837 and to provide a workaround for bug ID 1153087.

Operation not applicable


This error indicates that no system support exists for a function that the application requested.


Ask the system vendor for an upgrade, or contact the vendor or author of the application for an update.

Technical Notes

This message indicates that no system support exists for an operation. Many modules set this error when a programming function is not yet implemented. If you are writing a program that produces this message, while calling a system library, find and use an alternative library function. Future versions of the system might support this operation; check system release notes for further information.

The symbolic name for this error is ENOSYS, errno=89.

Operation not supported on transport endpoint


As an example, this error could occur when trying to accept a connection on a datagram transport endpoint.

Technical Notes

The symbolic name for this error is EOPNOTSUPP, errno=122.

Operation now in progress


An operation that takes a long time to complete (such as a connect) was attempted on a non-blocking object.

Technical Notes

The symbolic name for this error is EINPROGRESS, errno=150.

/opt/bin/jws: /solaris/bin/locate_dirs: not found


This error message occurs if you try to start Java Workshop by linking from /opt/bin/jws to /opt/SUNWjws/JWS/sparc-S2/bin/jws. Typing the full path name works, but typing jws gives this error.


This error occurs because /opt/bin/jws is not /opt/SUNWjws/JWS/sparc-S2/bin/jws, which is a script that runs another script: $_SS_JWS_HOME/solaris/bin/locate_dirs.

/opt/bin/jws is not setting $_SS_JWS_HOME correctly. Remove it from the path and replace it with /opt/SUNWjws/JWS/sparc-S2/bin/jws. Then, which jws can return /opt/SUNWjws/JWS/sparc-S2/bin/jws.

Option not supported by protocol


A bad option or level was specified when getting or setting options for a protocol.

Technical Notes

The symbolic name for this error is ENOPROTOOPT, errno=99.

out of memory


Hundreds of different programs can produce this message when the system is running many large applications simultaneously. This message usually means that the system has run out of swap space (virtual memory).


For details, refer to "Not enough space". Any data written during this condition is probably lost.

Out of stream resources


During a STREAMS open, either no STREAMS queues or no STREAMS head data structures were available. This is a temporary condition; you might recover from it if other processes release resources.

Technical Notes

The symbolic name for this error is ENOSR, errno=63.

overlapping swap volume


After creating volumes in rootdg to be used as additional swap and adding these to the /etc/vfstab file, an error message is displayed at boot time that indicates overlapping swap volumes.


Change the names of these volumes to read swap1, swap2, and so forth.

If you still get this message after making the previous change, edit the /sbin/swapadd script. Find the line:

c=`$SWAP -l | grep -c '\\<'${special}'\>'`
and change it to:

c=`$SWAP -l | grep -c ''${special}''`