Solaris Common Messages and Troubleshooting Guide


ufsdump 4mm commands


Dump syntax was used with autoloader.

umount: warning: /string not in mnttab


This message occurs when the superuser attempts to unmount a file system that is not mounted. Subdirectories of file systems, such as /var, cannot be unmounted.


Run the mount(1M) or df(1M) command to see which file systems are mounted. If you really want to unmount one of them, specify the existing mount point.

Unable to connect to license server. Inconsistent encryption code.


The user receives this error message, and only the IP address of the machine has changed.


The IP address defined with ifconfig(1M) must match that in /etc/hosts. That is, if you change the machine's IP address with ifconfig(1M), you must also change the machine's entry in the /etc/hosts file.

For machines with multiple interfaces, you must check and possibly update /etc/hostname.*.

unable to get pty!


When trying to open a Terminal window (dtterm) in CDE, a pop-up window appears stating, Unable to get pty!

dtterm is not able to open /dev/pts/int (where int is an integer). The user cannot open this file because grantpt(3C) failed to change the permissions on the file. grantpt(3C) failed because the binary /usr/lib/pt_chmod is not setuid root. The permissions on /usr/lib/pt_chmod must be 4111.


To restore the correct permissions to pt_chmod, use the following command (as root):

# chmod 4111 /usr/lib/pt_chmod

Unable to install/attach driver 'string'


These messages appear in /var/adm/messages at boot time, when the system tries to load drivers for devices the machine does not have.


This message is strictly informational. You probably do not want all these device drivers because they make your system kernel larger, requiring more memory.

Unable to open nwrecover, Error: nwrecover: NSR: please start a server on client_name


While trying to open the graphical recovery interface by running nwrecover from the client, this error was displayed.


In this case, multiple networker servers existed and nwrecover could not determine which network server to use for the client.

The server can be specified to the nwrecover command with the -s option.

nwrecover -c client_name -s server_name
-s server_name sets the NetWorker server, and -c client_name sets the NetWorker client index.

uname: error writing name when booting


The system cannot bootstrap.


Boot from the CD-ROM and check /etc/nodename. The file must contain exactly one line with the name of the system. No blank or other lines are allowed.

undefined control


This message, prefaced by the file name and line number involved, is from the C preprocessor /usr/ccs/lib/cpp and indicates a line starting with a pound-sign (#) but not followed by a valid keyword (such as define or include).


A piece of software might be running the C preprocessor on an initialization file that you thought was interpreted by a shell. In most shells, the sharp (#) indicates a comment. The C preprocessor considers comments to be anything between /* and */ delimiters.

unknown host exception: unknown host


The user tries to install Sun Directory Services 1.0 using the Java front end. During the installation, an error occurs: unknown host exception: unknown host. Then the Services displays the host name with domain name appended twice.


The user had the following line in /etc/nsswitch.conf: hosts: dns files.

By changing the line to point first to files and then to DNS, hosts: files dns, the problem was resolved.

Other considerations: This error could also happen if you are using a fully qualified host name. Make sure your host name does not have the domain appended. If you use a fully qualified host name, the domain is appended twice. Also, verify that the domain name specified in /etc/resolv.conf is a reachable domain.

Unmatched `


This message from the C shell csh(1) indicates that a user typed a command containing a backquote symbol (`) without a closing backquote. Similar messages occur from an unmatched single quote (') or an unmatched double quote ("). Other shells generally give a continuation prompt when a command line contains an unmatched quote symbol.


Correct the command line and try again. To continue typing on another line, give the C shell a backslash right before the newline.



During phase 4, fsck(1M) discovered that the specified file was orphaned because the inode had no record of its path name. In other words, the file was not connected with any directory.


Answer "yes" to reconnect the file into the lost+found directory. Then contact the file's owner to ask if you should send it back, and where to place it.

See Also

For more information, see the chapter on checking file system integrity in the System Administration Guide, Volume 1.



A user was able to use a demo version only when dialed-in to an Internet provider. The user further noted that this Java error message occurred when trying to load library pages without a connection.


The Java WorkShop package relies on the Java Development Kit to provide networking services. There could be two possible problems:

  1. The JDK/VM tries to load net.dll, which then loads wsock32.dll as its socket services. The winsocket program might have done something with the system socket DLLs and might have broken the JDK net.dll, which could explain the UnsatisfiedLinkError.

  2. When JDK creates a ServerSocket or Socket object, it tries to resolve the local host name by calling gethostbyaddr(), which eventually queries the DNS on the Win95/NT, if the user has a DNS entry configured for the TCP/IP. (This normally results in a "Dialup dialog" coming up.)

For the first problem: If the winsocket program renames/moves the wsock32.dll or winsock.dll, the resolution includes modifying the JDK.

For the second problem: To avoid the DNS query, add an entry to your %WinDir%\HOSTS file. Refer to the Java WorkShop release notes for more details.

Use "logout" to logout.


This C shell message might come as a surprise to Bourne or Korn shell users accustomed to logging out with a Control-D.


When ignoreeof is set, the C shell requires users to log out by typing logout(1) or exit(1). Write any modified files to disk before exiting.

user unknown


When trying to mail to a user, the error Username... User unknown is displayed. The user is on the same system.


Check for a typographical error in the entered email address. Otherwise, the user could be aliased to a nonexistent email address in /etc/mail/aliases or the user's .mailrc file.

You cannot mail to a user that has capital letters in its name. sendmail(1M) converts all the capital letters to lowercase before attempting to find the user. Because UNIX is case sensitive, it finds no user name on the system with all lowercase letters, so it displays the User unknown message.

As a workaround, make sure all user names are composed of only lowercase letters.

/usr/dt/bin/rpc.ttdbserverd:Child Status' changed


While running CDE, the error in the console or /var/adm/messages file was as follows:

Oct 19 04:41:00 darkcastle last message repeated 393 times
Oct 19 04:41:01 darkcastle inetd[120]: /usr/dt/bin/rpc.ttdbserverd:Child Status Changed


Create the following soft links:

ln -s /usr/openwin/bin/rpc.ttdbserver /usr/dt/bin/rpc.ttdbserver
ln -s /usr/openwin/bin/rpc.ttdbserverd /usr/dt/bin/rpc.ttdbserverd

/usr/openwin/bin/xinit: connection to X server lost


This error means that the xinit(1) program, which sets up X11 resources and starts a window manager, failed to locate the X server process. Perhaps the user interrupted window system startup, or exited abnormally from OpenWindows (for example, by killing processes or by rebooting). The X server might have crashed. Data loss is possible in some cases. Depending on the process timing, this message might be normal when the OpenWindows environment exits during a system reboot.


The only solution is to exit and restart the OpenWindows environment. You do not need to reboot the system unless it hangs and fails to give you a console prompt. To exit the OpenWindows environment, select Workspace->Exit. To restart the OpenWindows environment, type openwin(1) at the system prompt.

/usr/ucb/cc: language optional software package not installed


While compiling some code for BSD compatibility, the error occurred after invoking usr/ucb/cc. The unbundled compiler SPARCworks Professional C product was installed in /opt.

/usr/ucb/cc is a script that checks for the file /usr/ccs/bin/ucbcc and, if found, invokes it with appropriate library flags for BSD-compatibility compilation.

/usr/ucb/cc is part of the package SUNWscpu. /usr/ccs/bin/ucbcc is supposed to be a symbolic link to /opt/SUNWspro/bin/acc, which is created during the installation of the unbundled C compiler, SPROcc.


Verify that you have the essential OS-bundled Developer packages, SUNWscpu, SUNWbtool, and the unbundled C compiler, SPROcc. However, in this case, /usr/ccs/bin/ucbcc was missing on the user's system. Evidently, somehow this link was removed.

Solve the problem by creating a new symbolic link:

# ln -s /opt/SUNWspro/bin/acc /usr/ccs/bin/ucbcc
Invoke usr/ucb/cc to verify this remedy worked.

The following commands are used to identify which packages contain the particular components involved:

craterlake% grep ucb/cc /var/sadm/install/contents
/usr/ucb/cc f none 0555 bin bin 3084 50323 814621113 *SUNWscpu
craterlake% ls -l /usr/ucb/cc
-r-xr-xr-x   1 bin      bin         3084 Oct 25  1995 /usr/ucb/cc
craterlake% file !$
file /usr/ucb/cc
/usr/ucb/cc:    executable /usr/bin/sh script
craterlake% grep ucbcc /var/sadm/install/contents
/usr/ccs/bin/ucbcc=/opt1/40/SUNWspro/SC4.0/bin/acc s none SPROcc SPROcc.2 SPROcc.5
craterlake% file /usr/ccs/bin/ucbcc
/usr/ccs/bin/ucbcc:  ELF 32-bit MSB executable SPARC Version 1, dynamically linked, stripped
craterlake% ls -l /usr/ccs/bin/ucbcc
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     other         31 Aug 23  1996 /usr/ccs/bin/ucbcc 
                    -> /opt1/40/SUNWspro/SC4.0/bin/acc

UX: userdel: error: Cannot update system files login cannot be deleted


This error is displayed when using userdel to delete a user,

userdel -r userid
and the root (/) file system is full.


Free up some space on the root (/) file system.