Solaris Common Messages and Troubleshooting Guide

fwm: no license


Firewall-1 version 2.1 produces this message when the fwstart command is issued or when fwm is started from the command line.

There are two possible reasons for this:

  1. When a firewall module is installed without a control station on the same machine, the messages are displayed on the console (under UNIX) or in the event log (under WinNT).

  2. The messages might be legitimate. You might find that fwm has not started and you cannot do some crucial tasks. One possible problem: The license might be issued for the wrong host ID.


Make sure the license daemon is running on the server. Then, consider the following cases:

Case one: As a workaround, ignore the present messages and get an upgrade to 2.1c or above.

Case two: To check for a misassigned license, run the command hostid(1). Your hostid is displayed.

Next, run the command fw printlic to see output similar to the following:

This is FireWall-1 Version 2.1
Type             Expiration Features
id-649f152b	 never	    stdlight
The first field should list the correct hostid. Also check the expiration date and the features. A list of what is included with the features is provided in INFODOC 13215. If you find any inconsistencies, call the Sun License and Password Center and get a license reissued. Have you host ID and serial number ready.