Solaris Common Desktop Environment: Advanced User's and System Administrator's Guide

Accessing Command Line Login on a Local Display

When the user selects Command Line Login on the login screen, the login server temporarily terminates the X server, allowing access to the traditional command-line login running on the bitmap display terminal device. After the user has logged in and then out, or after a specified time-out, the login server will restart the X server.

Note -

The Command Line Login option is unavailable on network displays.

The display_type controls the behavior of Command Line Login. The format of display_type is:

When local@display_terminal_device is specified, the login server assumes that the X server and /dev/display_terminal_device are on the same physical device, and that a command line login (usually getty) is running on the device. When the user selects Command Line Login, the X server is terminated, allowing access to the running command-line login (getty) running on the /dev/display_terminal_device.

To disable the Command Line Login option on a display, specify none as the display_terminal_device. The default display_terminal_device is console. When local is specified, display_terminal_device defaults to console. When foreign is specified, Command Line Login is disabled.

Note -

The Command Line Login option will be disabled on the local display when the login server is started from the command line.