Solaris Common Desktop Environment: Advanced User's and System Administrator's Guide

Setting Up the Desktop Search Paths

The desktop search paths are created at login by dtsearchpath. There are two categories of environment variables used by dtsearchpath:

Input Variables--System-wide and personal environment variables whose values are set by the system administrator or end user.

Output Variables--Variables created and assigned values by dtsearchpath. The value of each variable is the search path for the desktop session.

To alter the command-line options of dtsearchpath, modify the dtstart_searchpath variable. To change the dtstart_searchpath variable for all users, create an executable sh or ksh script (for example /etc/dt/config/Xsession.d/myvars), and set dtstart_searchpath as follows:


Users can similarly change the dtsearchpath options for only their own sessions by setting dtstart_searchpath in HomeDirectory/.dtprofile.

For more information about dtsearchpath, see Chapter 9, Desktop Search Paths. For more information about dtsearchpath options, see the dtsearchpath man page.