Solaris Naming Administration Guide

Target Client Applications of FNS Policies

One goal of the FNS policies is to maintain coherence across the most commonly used tools, including the file system, the DeskSet tools, such as Calendar Manager, Print Tool, File Manager, and Mail Tool, and services that support these tools, such as RPC, email, and print subsystems.

Note -

Some of these examples are not currently implemented in the Solaris environment. They are listed here to illustrate how FNS can be used.

Example Applications: Calendar Service

This is a description of how one application, a calendar service, could be modified to use FNS policies. This example illustrates how FNS composite names might be presented to and accepted from users.

The DeskSet's calendar service is typical of client-server applications. Calendar servers run on some set of machines and maintain the users' calendars. Calendar Manager (cm) runs on the desktop and contacts the appropriate server to obtain the calendars of interest.

The calendar service could benefit from FNS using a simple registry/lookup model as follows:

  1. cm uses a tool for accepting composite names from the user and constructing the name of the object whose calendar is of interest.

    The object is the name of a user, a site, a host, or an organization. For example, the user might enter the name kuanda and the calendar manager generates the composite name user/kuanda. This tool could be shared among a group of DeskSet applications.

  2. cm uses the XFN interface to compose this name with the suffix /service/calendar to obtain the name of the calendar.

  3. This calendar name is then resolved relative to the process's initial context.

    Continuing with the example, this results in the resolution of the name user/kuanda/service/calendar. Similarly, if the user enters the name of a site, pine.bldg-5, cm generates the name site/pine.bldg-5/service/calendar for resolution.

    Other services such as printing and mail could take advantage of the FNS policies in a similar way.