Service Location Protocol Administration Guide

When to Use the Configuration Procedure

Follow the procedure in this chapter under one or more of the following conditions, if:

SLP Configuration File Elements

The /etc/inet/slp.conf file defines and activates all SLP activity each time you restart the SLP daemon. The file contains a list of SLP configuration properties with accompanying comments that describe the effect of changing a property of the SLP configuration. The configuration file consists of the following elements:

Configuration Properties

The list of properties are structured as key-value pairs in the file. The key-value pairs consist of the SLP property names and their settings, in this format:

<property name>=<value>

The key for each property is the property name. The value sets the numeric (distance or time), true/false state, or string value parameters on the property. Property values consist of one of the following data types:

SLP behavior is defined by some property or combination of property settings in the slp.conf file. For instance, from within the slp.conf file, you can configure slpd to operate as a DA, or leave it in its default configuration as an SA server.

If you set the net.slp.isDA property to True, slpd performs the characteristic activities of a DA.

All of the base SLP properties are named in the following format:


Comment Lines and Notations

These are informational lines in the slp.conf file that describe the nature and function of the line. Comment lines are optional in the file, but useful for administration. Settings in the configuration file are case insensitive. Use non-ASCII characters for escaping.