Service Location Protocol Administration Guide

Using SLP Proxy Registration

Solaris slpd supports advertising of legacy services using a proxy registration file. A proxy registration file is a list of service advertisements in a portable format.

A service advertisement consists of a service URL line, an optional scope line, and a series of attribute definitions. slpd reads proxy advertisements from the file, registers the advertisements, and maintains them exactly like an SA client would. The following listing shows an example of a proxy registration file. Line numbers have been added for description purposes and are not part of the file.

1  #Advertise legacy printer. 
3  service:lpr://bizserver/mainspool,en,65535
4  scope=eng,corp
5  make-model=Laserwriter II
6  location-description=B16-2345
7  color-supported=monochromatic
8  fonts-supported=Courier,Times,Helvetica 9 10
10 #Advertise FTP server
12 ftp://archive/usr/src/public,en,65535,src-server
13 content=Source code for projects

In this example, a legacy printer supporting the LPR protocol and an FTP server are being advertised.

Lines 1 and 10 

Comment lines begin with a cross-hatch symbol (#) and do not affect the file's operation. Everything up through the end of a comment line is ignored. 

Blank lines at 2, 9, and 14 

Delimit the advertisements 

Line 3 and 12 

Service URLs 

Line 4  

Scope designation 

Lines 5-8 and 13 

Attribute definitions 

Service URL

A service URL line has three required fields and one optional field, separated by commas:

Scope Designation

After the URL line, an optional scope line can appear. The scope line consists of the token scope followed by an equal sign, followed by a comma-separated list of scope names defined by the net.slp.useScopes configuration property. Only scopes that are part of the list of configured scopes for the host should appear in the scope list. If the scope line does not appear, the registration is made in all scopes with which slpd is configured. The scope line must appear immediately after the URL line; otherwise, it is recognized as an attribute.

Attribute Definitions

After the optional scope line, the bulk of the service advertisement contains attribute/value list pair lines. Each pair consists of the attribute tag, followed by an equal sign, followed by a comma-separated list of attribute values, or a single value if the attribute is single valued. In the previous example of a proxy registration file, line 8 illustrates a value list with multiple values; all other value lists have single values. The format for the attribute names and values is the same as on-the-wire SLP messages.

For a description of the format see RFC 2608. The proxy registration file supports the same convention for escaping non-ASCII characters as the configuration file. For more information about the proxy registration file format, see RFC 2614.