Service Location Protocol Administration Guide

Reducing the Interval Between SA Reregistrations

SAs need to periodically refresh their service advertisements before the lifetime expires. If a DA is handling an extremely heavy load from many UAs and SAs, frequent refreshes can cause the DA to become overloaded. If the DA becomes overloaded, UA requests start timing out and are dropped. Timing out of UA requests has many possible causes, so before assuming that DA overloading is the problem, you should use a snoop trace to check the lifetimes of service advertisements registered with a service registration. If the lifetimes are short and reregistrations are occurring often, then timeouts are probably due to too-frequent reregistrations. A service registration is a reregistration if the fresh flag is not set. See Appendix A, SLP Message Types for more information on service registration messages.

The following example sets the minimum refresh interval for SAs to one hour:


The net.slp.DAAttributes property has units of seconds. The default minimum reregistration period is zero (0), so that an SA is free to reregister whenever it chooses.