KCMS CMM Reference Manual

Public Members

The KcsmemoryBlock class provides the following public members.

Table 2-7 KcsMemoryBlock Public Members

Public Member 


get(char* buf, long nbytes);

Gets nbytes of data starting at the current cursor position. Post-increments the cursor position by nbytes.

long getNumElements() {return numElements;}

Returns the number of elements in the KcsMemoryBlock object as a long.

long getSize();

Returns the size of the KcsMemoryBlock object.

KcsMemoryBlock(KcsStatus *status, char *start,
 	long size, long numElements = 1,
 	const unsigned long absBaseOffset = 0);

Constructor. Specifies a character pointer in start, block size in size, and number of elements in numElements.

KcsMemoryBlock(KcsStatus *status, long size,
 	long numElements = 1,
 	const unsigned long absBaseOffset = 0,
 	const KcsMemoryKind kind =

Constructor. Allocates and deallocates the memory. 

virtual ~KcsMemoryBlock();


long position() {return pos;}

Returns the current cursor position. 

void position(long posit) {pos=posit;}

Sets the current cursor position. 

put(char* buf, long nbytes);

Puts nbytes of data into the KcsMemoryBlock object at the current cursor position. Post-increments the cursor position by nbytes.