Common Desktop Environment: Desktop KornShell User's Guide

Built-in libDt Session Management Commands

DtSessionRestorePath widgetHandle variable sessionFile

Given the file name for the session file (excluding any path information), this command returns the full path for the session file in the environment variable variable.

Returns 0 if successful, 1 if unsuccessful.

DtSessionSavePath widgetHandle variable var2

The full path name for the session file is returned in the environment variable variable. The file name portion of the session file (excluding any path information) is returned in the environment variable indicated by var2.

Returns 0 if successful, 1 if unsuccessful.

DtShellIsIconified widgetHandle

Allows a shell script to query the iconified state of a shell window. Returns 0 if successful, 1 if unsuccessful.

DtSetStartupCommand widgetHandle commandString

Part of the session management process is telling the Session Manager how to restart your application the next time the user reopens the session. This command passes the specified command string to the Session Manager. The widget handle should refer to an application shell.

DtSetIconifyHint widgetHandle iconifyHint

where iconifyHint can be set to either true or false.

Allows the initial iconified state for a shell window to be set. This command only works if the window associated with the widget has been realized but not yet displayed.