Common Desktop Environment: Desktop KornShell User's Guide


DtkshAddButtons adds one or more buttons of the same kind into a composite widget. It is most often used to add a collection of buttons into a menupane or menubar.


DtkshAddButtons parent widgetClass label1 callback1           
      [label2 callback2 ...]  
DtkshAddButtons [-w] parent widgetClas variable1 label1 callback1 \       
           					[variable2 label2 callback2  ...]

The -w option indicates that the convenience function should return the widget handle for each of the buttons it creates. The widget handle is returned in the specified environment variable. The widgetClass parameter can be set to any of the following, but it defaults to XmPushButtonGadget if nothing is specified.


DtkshAddButtons $MENU XmPushButtonGadget Open do_Open Save do_Save
                  Quit exit  
DtkshAddButtons -w $MENU XmPushButtonGadget B1 Open do_Open B2 Save