Common Desktop Environment: Desktop KornShell User's Guide

DtkshDisplayQuickHelpDialog and DtkshDisplayHelpDialog

These convenience functions create a single instance of each of the help dialogs. If an instance of the requested type of help dialog already exists, then it is reused. The parent of the dialog is obtained from the environment variable $TOPLEVEL, which should be set by the calling shell script, and then should not be changed. The handle for the requested dialog is returned in one of the following environment variables:

Note -

If it is necessary to destroy a help dialog, then be sure to clear the associated environment variable so that the convenience function does not attempt to reuse the dialog.


DtkshDisplay*HelpDialog title helpType helpInformation [locationId]

The meaning of the parameters is dependent upon the value specified for the helpType parameter. Their meanings are:


DtkshDisplayHelpDialog "Help On Dtksh" HELP_TYPE_FILE       