Common Desktop Environment: Help System Author's and Programmer's Guide


<figure entity=entity [id=id [nonumber | number=n]
[left |center | right] [cappos=[capleft | capcenter | capright]]
 [ghyperlink=id [glinktype=type] [gdescription=text ]]] >
 caption string

Specifies a file entity which identifies the file that contains the graphic image to be inserted.


Optional. Defines an ID name that can be used in cross-references to this figure.


Optional. Suppresses the word "Figure" and the automatically generated figure number.


Optional. Used to override the automatically generated figure number.

left, center, or right

Specifies horizontal alignment of the image within the current page width.


Specifies the horizontal alignment of the caption using the values capleft, capcenter or capright. A caption is optional.


Optional. Specifies that the graphic portion of the figure be a hyperlink. Follows the same usage as the hyperlink attribute in the <link> element. References to this location would use the specified id identifier.


Optional. Specifies the type of hyperlink. The default type is Jump. Other type values include JumpNewView, Definition, Man, Execute, and AppDefined. The ghyperlink parameter and id value are required when using parameter. Follows the same usage as the type attribute in the <link> element.


Optional. Provides a description of the hyperlink. The ghyperlink parameter and id value are required when using this parameter.

The <\figure> end tag is required.

To integrate an external graphics file into a help topic, you must have an entity declaration (<!entity entityname FILE "filename">) that associates the entity name with the graphic's file name.