Common Desktop Environment: Internationalization Programmer's Guide
 app-defaults file ( Index Term Link )
 application programmer, controlling input method components ( Index Term Link )
 application requirements ( Index Term Link )
 auxiliary area ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 base font name list ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 basic interchange in a network ( Index Term Link )
 button resources ( Index Term Link )
 callbacks, with Xlib ( Index Term Link )
 changing the locale ( Index Term Link )
 character set keywords ( Index Term Link )
 character sets, defining with UIL CHARACTER_SET function ( Index Term Link )
 charset segment, restriction ( Index Term Link )
 clipboard data encoding ( Index Term Link )
 CNS character definitions ( Index Term Link )
 code page ( Index Term Link )
 code segment, example using XmNlabelString resource ( Index Term Link )
 code set name, portability ( Index Term Link )
 code sets
  control characters ( Index Term Link )
  eucJP, description ( Index Term Link )
  eucKR, description ( Index Term Link )
  eucTW, description ( Index Term Link )
  extended UNIX code (EUC) ( Index Term Link )
  graphic characters ( Index Term Link )
  ISO8859-1, description ( Index Term Link )
  ISO8859, list of other ( Index Term Link )
  ISO646-IRV, description ( Index Term Link )
  ISO EUC ( Index Term Link )
  multibyte ( Index Term Link )
  network local hosts ( Index Term Link )
  network remote host ( Index Term Link )
  single-byte ( Index Term Link )
  stateful encodings ( Index Term Link )
  stateless encodings ( Index Term Link )
  strategy ( Index Term Link )
  structure ( Index Term Link )
 Common Desktop Environment
  description ( Index Term Link )
 common desktop environment, functions found in ( Index Term Link )
 Common Desktop Environment
  goal of ( Index Term Link )
  input area
   auxiliary area ( Index Term Link )
   details of ( Index Term Link )
   focus area ( Index Term Link )
   MainWindow area ( Index Term Link )
   preedit area ( Index Term Link )
   status area ( Index Term Link )
  input method interface ( Index Term Link )
  keyboard groups ( Index Term Link )
  National Language Support
   input areas ( Index Term Link )
   setlocale function ( Index Term Link )
   using locales ( Index Term Link )
  window manager, ICCC enhancements ( Index Term Link )
 Common Desktop Environment Toolkit
  ICCC compliance ( Index Term Link )
  non-ICCC-compliant ( Index Term Link )
 communicating text data, ICCC ( Index Term Link )
 compound strings
  components ( Index Term Link )
  in default files ( Index Term Link )
  in UIL ( Index Term Link )
  directions ( Index Term Link )
  font list element tags ( Index Term Link )
  for international text display ( Index Term Link )
  relationship to font list ( Index Term Link )
  separator ( Index Term Link )
  setting programmatically ( Index Term Link )
  structures, interaction with font lists ( Index Term Link )
  iconv text ( Index Term Link )
  simple text ( Index Term Link )
  stateful code sets ( Index Term Link )
  stateless encodings ( Index Term Link )
  Xlib ( Index Term Link )
 customizing keyboard input, localization ( Index Term Link )
 customizing the input method ( Index Term Link )
 data encoding, clipboard ( Index Term Link )
 default, resource ICCC compliance ( Index Term Link )
 default_charset string literal ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 default font list entry
  drawing client title ( Index Term Link )
  drawing icon name ( Index Term Link )
 dependencies, modifier for internationalization ( Index Term Link )
 determining language string with XtDisplayInitialize function ( Index Term Link )
 dialog message, toolkit ( Index Term Link )
 direction identifiers as compound string components ( Index Term Link )
 distributed internationalization guidelines ( Index Term Link )
 double-byte character set (DBCS) ( Index Term Link )
 drawing, a localized string ( Index Term Link )
 drawing text, Xlib routines and functions ( Index Term Link )
 dtterm command
  ICCC ( Index Term Link )
  ICCC compliance ( Index Term Link )
 encodings ( Index Term Link )
 environment, language ( Index Term Link )
 error message
  See message
 eucJP code set ( Index Term Link )
 eucKR code set ( Index Term Link )
 eucTW code set ( Index Term Link )
 event filtering with Xlib ( Index Term Link )
 examples of displaying localized title and icon name ( Index Term Link )
 externalizing dialog messages ( Index Term Link )
 extracting localized text
  using message catalogs ( Index Term Link )
  using private files ( Index Term Link )
  using resource files ( Index Term Link )
 file, naming conventions ( Index Term Link )
 focus area ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 focus management
  example description ( Index Term Link )
  focus area ( Index Term Link )
  international text input ( Index Term Link )
  XMbLookupString or XwcLookupString ( Index Term Link )
 font-encoded text, definition ( Index Term Link )
 font list entries, creating ( Index Term Link )
 font lists ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
  element tags as compound string components ( Index Term Link )
  internationalizing ( Index Term Link )
  relationship to compound strings ( Index Term Link )
  setting in resource files ( Index Term Link )
  structures ( Index Term Link )
  Text widgets ( Index Term Link )
  TextField widgets ( Index Term Link )
 font lists in UIL, creating functions for ( Index Term Link )
 font management
  choosing correct fonts ( Index Term Link )
  listing of functions ( Index Term Link )
 font selection algorithm, displaying text with font sets ( Index Term Link )
 font sets
  creating with Xlib ( Index Term Link )
  drawing text ( Index Term Link )
  internationalizing ( Index Term Link )
  metrics, obtaining with Xlib interfaces ( Index Term Link )
  programming for international UIL ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  specifying ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  specifying base name list ( Index Term Link )
  character code values ( Index Term Link )
  for Motif-based applications ( Index Term Link )
  glyphs contained in ( Index Term Link )
  limitations with internationalized programs ( Index Term Link )
  matching to character sets ( Index Term Link )
  name tags ( Index Term Link )
  organization ( Index Term Link )
  rendering for an X Windows client ( Index Term Link )
  resource specifications ( Index Term Link )
  syntax for a fontset ( Index Term Link )
 fonts, creating ( Index Term Link )
 geometry management
  application programmer controls ( Index Term Link )
  international text input ( Index Term Link )
  Text widget ( Index Term Link )
  TextField widget ( Index Term Link )
  with Xlib ( Index Term Link )
  XmBulletinBoard widget ( Index Term Link )
  XmRowColumn widget ( Index Term Link )
 guidelines for window titles ( Index Term Link )
 help information guidelines ( Index Term Link )
 ICCC compliance
  default for resources ( Index Term Link )
  dtterm command ( Index Term Link )
  for internationalization ( Index Term Link )
  passing icon name ( Index Term Link )
  passing window title ( Index Term Link )
  toolkit ( Index Term Link )
  window manager ( Index Term Link )
  XmClipboard ( Index Term Link )
  XmText widget ( Index Term Link )
  XmTextField widget ( Index Term Link )
  interface ( Index Term Link )
  text conversion functions ( Index Term Link )
 input method
  Common Desktop Environment interface ( Index Term Link )
  determining, XmNinputMethod resource ( Index Term Link )
  international text input ( Index Term Link )
  multibyte characters ( Index Term Link )
  requirements ( Index Term Link )
  Text widget ( Index Term Link )
  VendorShell widget class ( Index Term Link )
  XMbLookupString or XwcLookupString ( Index Term Link )
  between input method and Common Desktop Environment ( Index Term Link )
  for network communications ( Index Term Link )
 international application in different locales ( Index Term Link )
 international text drawing
  XmFontList function ( Index Term Link )
  XmString ( Index Term Link )
 international text input
  focus management ( Index Term Link )
  geometry management ( Index Term Link )
  input methods ( Index Term Link )
  multibyte characters ( Index Term Link )
  VendorShell widget operations ( Index Term Link )
  common system ( Index Term Link )
  definition ( Index Term Link )
  goals of ( Index Term Link )
  ICCC compliance ( Index Term Link )
  input method architecture ( Index Term Link )
  managing locales ( Index Term Link )
  preediting supported by Xlib ( Index Term Link )
  specifications ( Index Term Link )
  specifying base name lists ( Index Term Link )
  supported languages ( Index Term Link )
  using Xlib for text input ( Index Term Link )
  X locales, managing ( Index Term Link )
  Xt locales, managing ( Index Term Link )
 ISO8859-1 code set ( Index Term Link )
 ISO8859, other significant code sets ( Index Term Link )
 ISO646-IRV code set ( Index Term Link )
 ISO EUC code set ( Index Term Link )
 Japanese Input Method
  auxiliary area ( Index Term Link )
  preediting, reconverted strings ( Index Term Link )
  customizing localization input ( Index Term Link )
  groups for Common Desktop Environment ( Index Term Link )
 keys, code associated with keysym ( Index Term Link )
  associated key code ( Index Term Link )
  definition ( Index Term Link )
 language environment, description ( Index Term Link )
 language procedure ( Index Term Link )
 languages ( Index Term Link )
 libXm library ( Index Term Link )
 list resources ( Index Term Link )
 loading fonts ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 locale management
  description ( Index Term Link )
  functions used ( Index Term Link )
  behavior ( Index Term Link )
  definition ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  environment variables ( Index Term Link )
  fonts for ( Index Term Link )
  managing ( Index Term Link )
  managing X ( Index Term Link )
  managing Xt ( Index Term Link )
  modifier dependencies ( Index Term Link )
  UIL compiler ( Index Term Link )
  definition ( Index Term Link )
  results of ( Index Term Link )
  catalog for each supported locale ( Index Term Link )
  resource file, location ( Index Term Link )
 localized resources ( Index Term Link )
  customizing the input method ( Index Term Link )
  gadget ( Index Term Link )
  text ( Index Term Link )
  titles and icon names ( Index Term Link )
  widget ( Index Term Link )
 localized text
  definition ( Index Term Link )
  drawing compound ( Index Term Link )
  drawing simple ( Index Term Link )
  extracting ( Index Term Link )
  input methods ( Index Term Link )
  methods for establishing ( Index Term Link )
  writing in resource files ( Index Term Link )
 localizing, customizing keyboard input ( Index Term Link )
 location of localized resource files ( Index Term Link )
 MainWindow area ( Index Term Link )
  dialog, externalizing ( Index Term Link )
  error ( Index Term Link )
  internationalizing ( Index Term Link )
  warning ( Index Term Link )
  cause and recovery information ( Index Term Link )
  comment lines for translators ( Index Term Link )
  extraction functions
   requirements for internationalization ( Index Term Link )
   Xlib set ( Index Term Link )
   XPG4 set ( Index Term Link )
  file-naming conventions ( Index Term Link )
  guidelines ( Index Term Link )
  option ( Index Term Link )
  programming format ( Index Term Link )
  punctuation and wording guidelines ( Index Term Link )
  samples ( Index Term Link )
  usage statements in ( Index Term Link )
  writing style in ( Index Term Link )
 modes of preediting
  OffTheSpot ( Index Term Link )
  OverTheSpot ( Index Term Link )
  Root ( Index Term Link )
 modifier dependencies for internationalization ( Index Term Link )
 MrmOpenHierarchy function, searching UID file ( Index Term Link )
 National Language Support
  entering input ( Index Term Link )
  font lists ( Index Term Link )
  font sets ( Index Term Link )
  fonts ( Index Term Link )
  input areas ( Index Term Link )
  internationalized ICCC ( Index Term Link )
  programming for international use
   international text input ( Index Term Link )
   Xt locale management ( Index Term Link )
   base name list ( Index Term Link )
   font lists ( Index Term Link )
   font sets ( Index Term Link )
   fonts ( Index Term Link )
  User Interface Language (UIL) ( Index Term Link )
  using input methods ( Index Term Link )
  Window Manager
   communicating icon names ( Index Term Link )
   communicating titles ( Index Term Link )
 network-based input method ( Index Term Link )
 networks ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 non-ICCC-compliant toolkit
  owner ( Index Term Link )
  requester ( Index Term Link )
  XmClipboard ( Index Term Link )
 OffTheSpot mode, preedit area ( Index Term Link )
 OS internationalized functions ( Index Term Link )
 OverTheSpot mode, preedit area ( Index Term Link )
 owner, non-ICCC-compliant toolkit ( Index Term Link )
 pixmaps, localizing ( Index Term Link )
 portability of code set names ( Index Term Link )
 preedit areas
  default mode ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
  OffTheSpot mode ( Index Term Link )
  OverTheSpot mode ( Index Term Link )
  Root mode ( Index Term Link )
  VendorShell widget class ( Index Term Link )
 preediting ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 programming for international UIL ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 programming for international use
  ICCC compliance ( Index Term Link )
  international text input ( Index Term Link )
  messages ( Index Term Link )
  UIL ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
   locale text ( Index Term Link )
   parsing multibyte character string ( Index Term Link )
   parsing nonstandard charsets ( Index Term Link )
   string literals ( Index Term Link )
  Xt locale management ( Index Term Link )
 requester, non-ICCC-compliant toolkit ( Index Term Link )
 resource files
  creating for international UIL ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  localized, location ( Index Term Link )
  writing a localized string ( Index Term Link )
 resource files, creating ( Index Term Link )
  button ( Index Term Link )
  locale sensitive ( Index Term Link )
  for reading lists ( Index Term Link )
  for setting lists ( Index Term Link )
  for setting titles ( Index Term Link )
  used as labels ( Index Term Link )
 Root mode, preedit area ( Index Term Link )
 separators as compound string components ( Index Term Link )
 setlocale function, for internationalization ( Index Term Link )
 setting the environment
  for international UIL ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  searching the UID file ( Index Term Link )
 setting the locale ( Index Term Link )
 simple text conversion functions ( Index Term Link )
 standard interfaces, benefit of using ( Index Term Link )
 standards ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 stateful and stateless encodings, conversion of ( Index Term Link )
 status area ( Index Term Link )
 string literals
  default_charset in UIL ( Index Term Link )
  in UID files ( Index Term Link )
  programming for international UIL ( Index Term Link )
  syntax ( Index Term Link )
 text, obtaining localized ( Index Term Link )
 text input
  in applications without Text widget ( Index Term Link )
  intermediate feedback ( Index Term Link )
  managing with Xlib ( Index Term Link )
  prompts and dialogs ( Index Term Link )
  within a DrawingArea widget ( Index Term Link )
 text resources ( Index Term Link )
 Text widget font list search ( Index Term Link )
 Text widgets, input method ( Index Term Link )
 TextField widget font list search ( Index Term Link )
 titles for windows ( Index Term Link )
 toolkit component, dialog messages ( Index Term Link )
 UID file search ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 UIL (User Interface Language), sample Japanese and English program ( Index Term Link )
 usage statements, delimiters ( Index Term Link )
 User Interface Language (UIL)
  See UIL
  default encoding, ICCC-compliant resources ( Index Term Link )
  ICCC to communicate text data ( Index Term Link )
 VendorShell widget class
  auxiliary area ( Index Term Link )
  child widget size ( Index Term Link )
  focus area ( Index Term Link )
  focus management ( Index Term Link )
  geometry management ( Index Term Link )
  MainWindow area ( Index Term Link )
  managing components
   MainWindow area ( Index Term Link )
   preedit area ( Index Term Link )
   status area ( Index Term Link )
  preedit area ( Index Term Link )
  size ( Index Term Link )
  status area ( Index Term Link )
  as input manager ( Index Term Link )
  as interface ( Index Term Link )
 VendorShell widget operations, processing multibyte character I/O ( Index Term Link )
 warning message
  See message
 Window Manager, communicating titles and icon names ( Index Term Link )
 window manager
  converting client title ( Index Term Link )
  converting icon name ( Index Term Link )
  font list drawing client title ( Index Term Link )
  font list drawing icon name ( Index Term Link )
 X interclient (ICCCM) conversion functions ( Index Term Link )
 X Logical Font Description (XLFD)
  font names for international locale ( Index Term Link )
  identifying glyphs ( Index Term Link )
  name fields ( Index Term Link )
 X/Open specifications ( Index Term Link )
 XFontStruct ( Index Term Link )
  callback ( Index Term Link )
  event handling ( Index Term Link )
  management functions ( Index Term Link )
 Xlib message/resource facilities ( Index Term Link )
 Xlib routines and functions, drawing text ( Index Term Link )
 XLoadQueryFont ( Index Term Link )
  ICCC compliance ( Index Term Link )
  non-ICCC-compliant toolkit ( Index Term Link )
  XmText widget ( Index Term Link )
  XmTextField widget ( Index Term Link )
 XmFontList functions, international drawing ( Index Term Link )
 XmFontListEntryLoad ( Index Term Link )
 XmGetPixmapByDepth ( Index Term Link )
 XmIm functions ( Index Term Link )
 XmNinputMethod resource, determining input method ( Index Term Link )
 XmNlabelString resource, code segment ( Index Term Link )
 XmString functions ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 XmStringCreate, description ( Index Term Link )
 XmStringCreateLocalized ( Index Term Link )
 XmStringCreateLtoR ( Index Term Link )
 XmStringLoadQueryFont, international text drawing, example syntax ( Index Term Link )
 XmText functions ( Index Term Link )
 XmText widget class, ICCC compliance ( Index Term Link )
 XmTextField widget class, ICCC compliance ( Index Term Link )
 XPG4 messaging examples ( Index Term Link )
 Xt locale management
  programming for international use ( Index Term Link )
  XtAppSetFallbackResources function ( Index Term Link )
  XtDisplayInitialize function ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  XtResolvePathname function ( Index Term Link )
 XtAppSetFallbackResources, Xt locale management ( Index Term Link )
 XtDisplayInitialize function
  description ( Index Term Link )
  locale management ( Index Term Link )
  managing locales with ( Index Term Link )
  Xt locale management ( Index Term Link )
 XtResolvePathname, Xt locale management ( Index Term Link )
  default language ( Index Term Link )
  managing locales ( Index Term Link )