Common Desktop Environment: Internationalization Programmer's Guide

OverTheSpot (Default)

In OverTheSpot mode, the location of the preedit area is set to where the user is trying to enter characters (for example, the insert cursor position of the Text widget that has the current focus). The characters in a preedit area are displayed at the cursor position as an overlay window, and they can be highlighted depending on the input method.

Although a preedit area may consist of multiple lines in OverTheSpot mode. The preedit area is always within the MainWindow area and cannot cross its edges in any direction.

Keep in mind that although the preEdit string under construction may be displayed as though it were part of the Text widget's text, it is not passed to the client and displayed in the underlying edit screen until preedit ends. See Figure 1-5 for an illustration.

To use OverTheSpot mode explicitly, set the XmNpreeditType() resource of the VendorShell() widget either with the XtSetValues() function or with a resource file. The XmNpreeditType() resource can be set as the resource of a TopLevelShell(), ApplicationShell(), or DialogShell() widget because these are subclasses of the VendorShell() widget class.

Figure 1-5 Example of OverTheSpot preediting with the VendorShell widget (Japanese)
