Common Desktop Environment: Internationalization Programmer's Guide

Requester of Selection

A requester first requests XA_TARGET when text data is to be communicated with the selection owner.

The requester then searches for one of the following atoms in priority order:

If the code set of the requester's locale matches one of the targets, the requester makes a request using the atom representing that code set. The XA_TEXT atom is used only if none of the other atoms is found. Because the owner returns a property with a type representing its encoding, the requester attempts to convert to the code set of its locale.

If the type COMPOUND_TEXT or XA_STRING is requested, the requester attempts to convert the text property to the code set of its current locale by using the XmbTextPropertyToTextList() or XwcTextPropertyToTextList() functions. These are used when the owner client and requester client are running under different code sets.

When converting from COMPOUND_TEXT or XA_STRING, not all text data is guaranteed to be converted; only those characters that are in common between the owner and the requester will be converted.