Common Desktop Environment: Style Guide and Certification Checklist

Drag-and-Drop Mechanics

There are several areas of the underlying application architecture that are useful to understand when designing drag and drop.


In the Common Desktop Environment, there are three types of draggable objects: files, buffers, and text selections.

Each application has its own objects that can be dragged and dropped. For example, Calendar uses appointments, Mailer uses mail messages, and File Manager uses folders and files. The folder and file icons in File Manager exist as separate entities in the underlying file system and are, therefore, treated as files when dragged and dropped. However, Calendar appointments and Mailer messages do not exist as separate entities in the file system. When these objects get dragged they are treated as buffers.

This difference can lead to some conflicts for the user. The user sees both of these types of objects as the same -- both can appear as icons and both can be manipulated separately from other similar objects. Yet, due to the implementation, the user may see different results from a drag-and-drop operation based on which type of object is being manipulated.

Text selections fall into a different category because selecting a piece of text is very different to the user than selecting an icon. The user selects a range of text in a document window; the text does not represent the whole document, it only represents a piece of a document. Rarely does a user see the piece of text as a distinct object and the user does not expect a piece of text to behave like an icon when dropped. For this reason, the drag-and-drop model for text mirrors the cut, copy, and paste operations available from the Edit menu.


There are two actions that can take place when an object is dropped: insert or load.

The insert action inserts the dropped object into the destination, adding it to the current data in the application or document. The object is inserted when a user schedules an appointment, prints a document, attaches a document, pastes text, or appends a mail message. Such an action is a move or copy operation depending on the destination and the user. The user might decide to copy a piece of selected text, as opposed to moving it. The drag icon should indicate whether the operation is a copy or move.

The load action operates the same as if the user had chosen Open from the File menu, selected a file, and clicked the Open button. The dropped object gets loaded into the application. The user can edit it and save changes back to the original file. Load only works with files at this time, not with buffers or text. The user should see the copy drag icon when dragging an object over a drop zone that supports the load action.

Load does work with buffers; however, buffers are loaded as read-only. See the section on "Attachment User Model" for more details.

Matching Operations

When designing how drag and drop works in an application, you must understand how Motif figures out what operation gets done when the source and destination of a drag and drop don't match.

For each drag source, an application advertises which drag-and-drop operations are possible and on what destinations it can be dropped. For each drag destination, the application advertises the possible sources and the types of operations. If a source and its destination have two or more operations in common, Motif follows a specific order to determine which operation to use. That order is move, copy, link. The application cannot change the operation that is accepted based on the type of thing being dragged.

For example, application A might advertise that an element can be moved or copied. Application B advertises that the destination accepts copy or link. The intersection in this example is copy. If the destination in application B accepts move or copy, then the source is moved because the move operation comes first in the operation order.

In this example, the user could override the move operation by holding down a modifier key, for example the Control key to make the operation a copy. This will work if the copy operation is in the common set of operations. If the copy operation is not in the common set, then the drag becomes an invalid drag.

The only time matching operations may be a consideration is when you have a destination that could accept moves but prefers copies. In that case, the destination is better off only accepting copies.

It is wise to always accept copy. Accepting copy broadens the scope of acceptable drops. In most cases where a move is accepted, a copy would work just as well. Remember, move is implemented as a copy followed by a delete.