Common Desktop Environment: Style Guide and Certification Checklist

Keyboard-Based Range Selection








In a collection that uses range selection and is in normal mode, the navigation keys move the location cursor and deselect the current selection. If the cursor is on an element, it is selected. The anchor moves with the location cursor. 

Text-like collections can use a different model in which the navigation keys leave the anchor at its current location, except that, if the current selection is not empty, it is deselected and the anchor is moved to the location of the cursor prior to navigation.  

Range selection supports normal mode, and, if the collection also supports add mode, normal mode is the default. 



In a collection that uses range selection, whether in normal mode or add mode, the Select key or Spacebar (except in a text component) moves the anchor to the cursor, deselects the current selection, and, if the cursor is on an element, selects the element. Unless the anchor is on a deselected item, Shift+Select or Shift+Spacebar (except in text) extends the selection from the anchor to the cursor, based on the extension model used by Shift+BSelect (Reselect, Enlarge Only, or Balance Beam.  

In range selection, pressing the Select key or Spacebar is similar to clicking BSelect, and pressing Shift+Select or Shift+Spacebar extends the range as with Shift+BSelect. 



In a collection that uses range selection and is in normal mode, using Shift in conjunction with the navigation keys extends the selection, based on the extension model used by Shift+BSelect. If the current selection is empty, the anchor is first moved to the cursor. The cursor is then moved according to the navigation keys, and the selection is extended based on the extension model used by Shift+BSelect.  

In range selection, shifted navigation extends the selection in a similar manner to dragging Shift+BSelect. 



In a collection that uses range selection and is in add mode, the navigation keys move the location cursor but leave the anchor unchanged. Shifted navigation moves the location cursor according to the navigation keys, and the selection is extended based on the extension model used by Shift+BSelect.  

Shifted navigation in add mode is similar to shifted navigation in normal mode, except that when the selection is empty the anchor does not move to the cursor prior to navigation.