Common Desktop Environment: Style Guide and Certification Checklist

Quick Transfer








All text components support quick transfer.  

Quick transfer is used to make a temporary selection and then immediately move, copy, or link that selection to the insertion position of the destination component. In text, quick transfer provides a convenient way to move, copy, or link text without disturbing the primary selection. 



If a component supports quick transfer, Alt+BTransfer Motion or Control+Alt+BTransfer Motion temporarily selects elements in the specified range and, on release, copies them to the insertion position of the destination component.  

These operations provide a convenient way to perform a quick copy. 



If a component supports quick transfer, Alt+Shift+BTransfer Motion temporarily selects elements in the specified range and, on release, moves them to the insertion position of the destination component.  

This operation provides a convenient way to perform a quick cut. 



If a component supports quick transfer, Control+Alt+Shift+BTransfer Motion temporarily selects elements in the specified range and, on release, places a link to them at the insertion position of the destination component.  

This operation provides a convenient way to perform a quick link. 



Quick transfer does not disturb the primary selection or affect the clipboard, except when the destination of the transfer is within or on the boundaries of the primary selection and pending delete is enabled. In this case, quick transfer deletes the contents of the primary selection, leaving an empty primary selection, before pasting the transferred elements.  

Quick transfer is a secondary selection mechanism, so it cannot disrupt the primary selection. When the destination of the transfer is in the primary selection, quick transfer replaces the primary selection with the secondary selection. 



With quick transfer, the range of the temporary selection is determined by using the same model as when BSelect Motion determines the range of a primary selection.  

This rule provides consistency between primary selection and quick transfer operations. 



If the user drags the pointer out of a scrollable collection while making the temporary selection, autoscrolling is used to scroll the collection in the direction of the pointer. If the user releases BTransfer with the pointer outside of the collection, or if the user presses the Cancel key with BTransfer pressed, the highlighting is removed and a transfer is not performed.  

Autoscrolling provides a convenient means of extending a temporary selection to elements outside the viewport of a scrollable collection.