KCMS CMM Developer's Guide

KcsIO Example

If you derive from the KcsIO class, you need to provide a KcsIO class entry such as the example entries below:


class, Solaris profiles class="KCS_IO" name="solf"

	kcsLoadableModule="KcsSUNWIOsolf.so.1";  #KcsIO class, X11 window

system profiles class="KCS_IO" name="xwin"


Note the name strings in the above examples. The KcsProfileType enumeration in kcstypes.h contains a type field that is a 4-character array described in hexadecimal form as a long, for example:


enum { 	KcsFileProfile					= 0x46696C65, /*File*/ 	KcsMemoryProfile					=

0x4D426C00, /*MBl*/ #ifdef KCS_ON_SOLARIS 	KcsWindowProfile					= 0x7877696E,

/*xwin*/ 	KcsSolarisProfile					= 0x736F6C66, /*solf*/ #else

	KcsWindowProfile					= 0x57696E64, /*Wind*/ #endif /* KCS_ON_SOLARIS */

	KcsProfileTypeEnd					= 0x7FFFFFFF, 	KcsProfileTypeMax					= KcsForceAlign


The OWconfig library turns the type field back into a string corresponding to the name field entry and searches all of the appropriate OWconfig class entries for that string.