KCMS CMM Developer's Guide


If you have special I/O considerations, you might want to create a KcsIO class derivative. It is a simple I/O protocol that most devices support. For example, this version of KCMS includes an X11 Window System derivative (kcsSUNWIOxwin.so.1) and a Solaris file derivative (kcsSUNWIOsolf.so.1). The code for the latter is included in the /opt/SUNWddk/kcms/src directory.

The framework supports file-, memory-, and network-based derivatives. Objects use a static store to read from or write to data; a common type of static store is a file on disk. A static store is a hardware- or platform-independent mechanism for generation and regeneration. Generation is the first time data is read from a static store and an object is instantiated from that data; the data is constructed from the saved state. Regeneration, or loading occurs when a derivative brings back all of its state and functionality, after it has been minimized, from its static store. With minimization and regeneration the object is already instantiated. A minimized object contains sufficient information to generate itself from a static store [typically just its unique identifier(UID)].

See Chapter 4, KcsIO Derivative for information on creating a KcsIO class derivative.