KCMS Calibrator Tool Loadable Interface Guide

Determining Displayable Visuals

When measuring monitor response, Calibrator Tool has to determine what X Window System visuals the frame buffer is capable of displaying. This is important because some frame buffers have their own gamma correction tables while others output directly to the monitor. Typically, however, frame buffers do not provide gamma correction, and gamma values are approximately 2.22 for SPARC systems. To identify the display capabilities of different visuals, Calibrator Tool calls the standard X Window System library routine XGetVisualInfo(3)() and the Solaris library routine XSolarisGetVisualGamma (3)(). This combination of routines returns a list of all the visual structures and their gamma values. (For details on XGetVisualInfo(), see the Xlib Reference Manual listed in "Related Books" in the Preface to this guide. For details on XSolarisGetVisualGamma (3)(), see the man page description.)