Solstice DiskSuite 4.2.1 Reference Guide

Warning Log Messages

dnum: Cannot load dev driver

The underlying named driver module is not loadable (for example, sd, id, xy, or a third-party driver). This could indicate that the driver module has been removed.

Open error of hotspare dev
Open error of hotspare dev(num, num)

The named hot spare is not openable, or the underlying driver is not loadable.

dnum: read error on dev
dnum: write error on dev

A read or write error has occurred on the specified metadevice at the specified device name. This happens if any read or write errors occur on a metadevice.

dnum: read error on dev(num, num)
dnum: write error on dev(num, num)

A read or write error has occurred on the specified metadevice at the specified device number. This happens if any read or write errors occur on a metadevice.

dnum: read error on dnum
dnum: write error on dnum

A read or write error has occurred on the specified metadevice at the specified device number. This happens if any read or write errors occur on a metadevice.

State database commit failed
State database delete failed

These messages occur when there have been device errors on components where the state database replicas reside. These errors only occur when more than half of the replicas have had errors returned to them. For example, if you have three components with state database replicas and two of the components report errors, than these errors may occur. The state database commit or delete is retried periodically. If the replica is added, the commit or delete will finish and the system will be operational. Otherwise, the system will time out and panic.

State database is stale

This message occurs when there are not enough usable replicas for the state database to be able to update records in the database. All accesses to the metadevice driver will fail. To fix this problem, add more replicas or delete unaccessible replicas.

trans device: read error on dnum
trans device: write error on dnum

A read or write error has occurred on the specified logging or master device at the specified metadevice. This happens if any read or write errors occur on a logging or master device.

trans device: read error on dev
trans device: write error on dev

A read or write error has occurred on the specified logging or master device at the specified device name. This happens if any read or write errors occur on a logging or master device.

trans device: read error on dev(num, num)
trans device: write error on dev(num, num)

A read or write error has occurred on the specified logging or master device at the specified device number. This happens if any read or write errors occur on a logging or master device.

logging device: dnum changed state to state
logging device: dev changed state to state
logging device: dev(num, num) changed state to state

The logging device and its associated master device(s) have changed to the specified state(s).