Solstice DiskSuite 4.2.1 Reference Guide

How to Upgrade Solaris With Solstice DiskSuite

  1. Repair any mirrors that have errors.

  2. Save /etc/vfstab for later use.

  3. Clear any trans metadevices that may be used during the Solaris upgrade (for example, /usr, /var, and /opt).

    See Solstice DiskSuite 4.2.1 User's Guide for information on clearing (removing logging from) trans metadevices. If you are uncertain which trans metadevices should be cleared, clear all trans metadevices.

  4. Comment out file systems in /etc/vfstab mounted on metadevices that are not simple metadevices or simple mirrors.

    A simple metadevice is composed of a single component with a Start Block of 0. A simple mirror is composed of submirrors, all of which are simple metadevices.

  5. Convert the remaining (simple) mirrors to one-way mirrors with the metadetach command.

    Upgrade will be performed on a single submirror of each mirror. The other submirrors will be synced up with metattach after the upgrade.

  6. If root (/) is mounted on a metadevice or mirror, set the root (/) file system to be mounted on the underlying component of the metadevice or the underlying component of the remaining attached submirror.

    Use the metaroot command to do this safely.

  7. Edit the /etc/vfstab file to change any file systems or swap devices still mounted on metadevices or mirrors after Step 3.

    Mount the file systems on the underlying component of the metadevices or the underlying component of the remaining attached submirrors.

  8. Remove symbolic links to the DiskSuite startup files so that it is no longer initialized at boot time.

    demo# rm /etc/rcS.d/S35lvm.init /etc/rc2.d/S95lvm.sync

    These links will be added back later by reinstalling DiskSuite after the Solaris upgrade.

  9. Halt the machine and upgrade Solaris, then reboot the machine.

  10. Reinstall DiskSuite, then reboot the machine.

    This will re-establish the symbolic links removed in Step 8.

    Note -

    Make certain that the version of Solaris you are installing is compatible with Solstice DiskSuite

  11. If root (/) was originally mounted on a metadevice or mirror, set the root (/) file system to be mounted back on the original metadevice or mirror.

    Use the metaroot command to do this safely.

  12. Edit the /etc/vfstab file to change any file systems or swap devices edited in Step 7 to be mounted back on their original metadevice or mirror.

  13. Edit the /etc/vfstab file to uncomment the file systems commented out in Step 4.

  14. Reboot the machine to remount the file systems.

  15. Use the metattach command to reattach and resync any submirrors broken off in Step 5.

  16. Recreate the cleared trans metadevices. See Solstice DiskSuite 4.2.1 User's Guide for information on creating trans metadevices.