Solstice DiskSuite 4.2.1 User's Guide

Example -- Creating a File System on a Concatenation Within a Diskset

# newfs /dev/md/relo-red/rdsk/d33
newfs: construct a new file system /dev/md/relo-red/rdsk/d33: (y/n)? y
/dev/md/relo-red/rdsk/d33:        917280 sectors in 1638 cylinders of 7 tracks,
80 sectors
        447.9MB in 103 cyl groups (16 c/g, 4.38MB/g, 2112 i/g)
super-block backups (for fsck -F ufs -o b=#) at:
 32, 9072, 18112, 27152, 36192, 45232, 54272, 63312, 71712, 80752, 89792,
 98832, 107872, 116912, 125952, 134992, 143392, 152432, 161472, 170512, 179552,
 188592, 197632, 206672, 215072, 224112, 233152, 242192, 251232, 260272,
 269312, 278352, 286752, 295792, 304832, 313872, 322912, 331952, 340992,
 350032, 358432, 367472, 376512, 385552, 394592, 403632, 412672, 421712,
 430112, 439152, 448192, 457232, 466272, 475312, 484352, 493392, 501792,
 510832, 519872, 528912, 537952, 546992, 556032, 565072, 573472, 582512,
 591552, 600592, 609632, 618672, 627712, 636752, 645152, 654192, 663232,
 672272, 681312, 690352, 699392, 708432, 716832, 725872, 734912, 743952,
 752992, 762032, 771072, 780112, 788512, 797552, 806592, 815632, 824672,
 833712, 842752, 851792, 860192, 869232, 878272, 887312, 896352, 905392,

This example creates a file system on a concatenation name d33 in diskset relo-red.

Note -

A file system that resides on a metadevice in a diskset cannot be automatically mounted at boot via the /etc/vfstab file. The necessary diskset RPC daemons (rpc.metad and rpc.metamhd) do not start early enough in the boot process to permit this. Additionally, the ownership of a diskset is lost during a reboot.