Solstice DiskSuite 4.2.1 User's Guide

How to Load an Initial Context

This procedure assumes that the Load Context window is displayed as a result of clicking on the Storage Manager icon in the Solstice Launcher, or by choosing Load from the File menu in either File System Manager or Disk Manager.

  1. If you want to view or modify the context of the system where you started the Solstice Launcher and Storage Manager, make needed changes to the Name Service, File System, and Disk Set chapters, if any. Skip to Step 5.

  2. If you want to view or modify the context of a system other than the one where you started the Solstice Launcher and Storage Manager, delete the existing name in the Host Name field and type the name of the host whose context you want to view or modify.

  3. Click Probe Host.

    A System Discovery window is displayed, indicating that information is being updated from the specified host.

  4. If desired, make changes to the Name Service, File System, and Disk Set chapters.

  5. Click OK.

    A System Discovery window is displayed, indicating that Storage Manager is validating context parameters as well as discovering devices, directories, and mount points on the specified host.