Solstice DiskSuite 4.2.1 User's Guide

How to Release a Diskset (Command Line)

Releasing a diskset is useful when performing maintenance on the drives in the set. When a diskset is released, it cannot be accessed by the host. If both hosts in a diskset release the set, neither host in the diskset can access metadevices or hot spare pools defined in the set.

  1. Make sure you have met the prerequisites ("Prerequisites for Maintaining DiskSuite Objects") and have read the preliminary information ("Preliminary Information for Working With Disksets").

  2. Release the diskset by using the metaset(1M) command

    # metaset -s diskset -r

    In this command,

    -s diskset

    Specifies the name of a diskset on which metaset will work.


    Releases ownership of a diskset. The reservation of all the disks within the set is removed. The metadevices set up within the set are no longer accessible. 

  3. Verify that the diskset has been released on this host by using the metaset(1M) command without any options.

    # metaset

Example -- Releasing a Diskset

red# metaset -s relo-red -r
red# metaset -s relo-red
Set name = relo-red, Set number = 1
Host                Owner
Drive               Dbase
  c1t0d1             Yes
  c1t2d0             No 
  c1t3d0             No 
  c1t4d1             No 
  c2t2d0             Yes
  c3t0d1             Yes
  c3t2d0             No 
  c3t3d0             No 
  c3t4d1             No 

This example releases the diskset relo-red. Note that there is no owner of the diskset. Viewing status from host red could be misleading. A host can only determine if it does or does not own a diskset. For example, if host blue were to reserve the diskset, it would not appear so from host red; only host blue would be able to determine the reservation in this case.