Solstice DiskSuite 4.2.1 User's Guide

Example -- Removing a Hot Spare Pool

# metastat
d30: Mirror
    State: Okay
d31: Submirror of d30
    Hot spare pool: hsp001
d32: Submirror of d30
    Hot spare pool: hsp001
# metaparam -h none d30
# metaparam -h none d31
# metahs -d hsp001
hsp001: Hotspare pool is cleared

This example shows how the hot spare pool hsp001 is removed. To find out the hot spare pool associations, use the metastat command. The metastat output shows two submirrors, d31 and d32, using hot spare pool hsp001. The metaparam command with the -h and none options removes the association to the hot spare pool, first for submirror d31, then d32. When the hot spare pool has no more associations, it is removed with the metahs -d command.