Solstice DiskSuite 4.2.1 User's Guide

How to View Device Statistics (DiskSuite Tool)

Use this task to display a device statistic sheet that shows a "snap-shot" for the current values of the statistical variables.

  1. Select an object from either the Metadevice Editor window or the Disk View window.

    The MetaDB object, hot spare pools, and slices are not able to show statistics.

  2. Select Statistics from the Object menu in either window to display the Device Statistics window for the object.

    For reference information on the Device Statistics window, see the online help.

  3. To view a new snap-shot of statistical information, click Update.

    Note -

    DiskSuite Tool displays a separate Device Statistics window for each disk selected in the Disk View window. Thus, if you select a controller or tray with many disks, you'll see as many separate Device Statistics windows as disks selected.