Solstice DiskSuite 4.2.1 User's Guide

How to Enable SunNet Manager to Launch DiskSuite Tool (SunNet Manager)

SunNet Manager automatically receives DiskSuite console messages. To enable SunNet Manager to launch DiskSuite Tool, follow these steps:

  1. With SunNet Manager running, select Save To File from the File menu, then Exit from the File menu.

  2. Edit the /opt/SUNWconn/snm/struct/elements.schema file to change the elementCommand structure for your server. The entry should look like this:

    instance elementCommand (
    (component.sun-server "DiskSuite Tool..."

    Add this entry to the "component" category.

  3. Restart SunNet Manager with the -i option.

    The -i option reads the modified elements.schema file and reinitializes the SunNet Manager database.