Solstice DiskSuite 4.2.1 User's Guide

DiskSuite Tool and Colors

DiskSuite Tool uses a variety of colors:

The X Window System RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color specification mechanism enables you to specify a nearly infinite variety of colors. Of course, many of these colors will appear similar, varying only slightly in shade or intensity.

To aid in selecting and specifying colors, the X Window System provides a standard default set of colors that you can specify by name instead of RGB values. This "database" of color names can be examined using the standard X utility showrgb. It shows the RGB values and a corresponding descriptive alias. For example:

# showrgb
		199  21 133	medium violet red
		176 196 222	light steel blue
		102 139 139	paleturquoise4
		159 121 238	mediumpurple2
		141 182 205	lightskyblue3
		  0 238 118	springgreen2
		255 160 122	light salmon
		154 205  50	yellowgreen
		178  58 238	darkorchid2
		 69 139 116	aquamarine4
 		107 107 107	gray42
 		 71  71  71	gray28
 		 61  61  61	gray24
 		255 255 255	white
 		  0 205 205	cyan3
 		  0   0   0	black

You can also examine the default color name database by looking at the /usr/openwin/lib/X11/rgb.txt file.

Unfortunately, there are no standard applications for browsing colors. If you don't have access to a public domain color browser, experiment by trial and error.