Korean Solaris System Administrator's Guide

Setting the .OWdefaults File

The .OWdefaults file in the user's home directory specifies the language used for several Solaris features: display language, numbers, time/date, messages, and other basic Korean OpenWindows properties. Some other entries in .OWdefaults affect the behavior and appearance of the user's OpenWindows user interface.

Each user's .OWdefaults file should contain the following five lines before running the Korean OpenWindows environment. So add these five lines at the end of users' existing .OWdefaults files. (Refer to the "Using Localization on the Workspace Properties Worksheet" section in Korean Solaris User's Guide.)

OpenWindows.BasicLocale:     ko
OpenWindows.DisplayLang:     ko
OpenWindows.InputLang:       ko
OpenWindows.TimeFormat:      ko
OpenWindows.NumericFormat:   ko

These fields can be set to ko, for Korean, or C, for English/ASCII operation. These five Korean OpenWindows variables have the following properties:

Table A-1 Korean OpenWindows Variables and Properties




Specifies the country (locale) of the user interface. With the basic locale set, a user can set other specific settings, such as input language.  


Specifies the language for labels, messages, menu items, help text, and other displays. 


Specifies the language used for keyboard input.  


Specifies the representation format of the time and date.  


Specifies the character system for number input/display.  

These five fields can be added to an .OWdefaults file by using the localization category (Locale) in the Workspace Properties worksheet as described in the "Using Localization on the Workspace Properties Worksheet" section in Korean Solaris User's Guide.

.xinitrc File

If you want to maintain your own .xinitrc, update it according to $OPENWINHOME/lib/Xinitrc.