Korean Solaris System Administrator's Guide

Mail Transmission Formats

The initial default setting for mail transmission is the commonly used (7-bit) ISO 2022 encoding standard. This is the same as having the following command line in a user's .mailrc file:

set encoding=ko_KR.iso2022-7 

However, Mail Tool can instead transmit via N-byte, Johap (Packed or Combination), or EUC format as directed by one of the following command lines in a user's ~/.mailrc file:

set encoding=ko_KR.nbyte


set encoding=ko_KR.johap


set encoding=ko_KR.euc

To set Mail Tool to use one of these transmission formats, perform the following steps:

  1. Put the encoding=ko_KR.format command line in your .mailrc file.

  2. Follow the directions in the following section "Making .mailrc Changes Take Effect."