Korean Solaris User's Guide


Korean Solaris User's Guide describes product behavior unique to the Korean SolarisTM operating environment and answers many questions commonly asked during initial experience with the software. This guide introduces the general appearance and properties of a variety of localized Desktop ToolsTM and utilities offered with the Korean Common Desktop Environment (CDE) and OpenWindowsTM environment.

Who Should Use This Book

This user's guide is for someone who wants to use the Korean features of Solaris software to manage files, calendars, e-mail, write or print Korean files, and so forth. Tools for these and many other applications run under Korean Solaris software. This guide helps you easily find, access, and get started with these tools. You should read this guide:

Before You Read This Book

Become familiar with the basics of the Solaris base release user documents, particularly the ones listed under "Related Books" on page xiii. This user's guide focuses on using the Korean features of the Desktop Tools and other features of Korean Solaris software.

How This Book Is Organized

Each chapter of this guide addresses a different aspect of using Korean Solaris software. The chapters tell how to check your set up before you begin using the facilities of Korean Solaris software and give step-by-step instructions for using Korean facilities.

Chapter 1, "Introduction to Korean Solaris Software," briefly describes general modifications made to Solaris software, including CDE, to internationalize and localize it for Korean.

Chapter 2, "Starting the Korean Solaris Software," gives the step-by-step instructions you must follow to start your Solaris user environment. It also describes Korean Solaris-specific features you must use to turn Korean facilities OFF/ON by using dtlogin.

Chapter 3, "Using the htt Input Method Server," introduces the startup, appearance, and use of htt.

Chapter 4, "Entering Korean Input," describes different Korean-character entry modes and provides a step-by-step tutorial in their use. (Further information on customizing commands and other advanced user topics are covered in Solaris Internationalization Guide for Developers and Korean Solaris System Administrator's Guide.)

Chapter 5, "Localized Applications," describes uses of two desktop tools localized for Korean: mailx, talk, and tools to convert file codes.

Chapter 6, "Font Editor," explains how to customize fonts used in your Korean Solaris applications.

Chapter 7, "Korean Printing Facilities," discusses Korean Solaris support for line printers with built-in Korean fonts or using the Korean Solaris xetops and xutops filter packages.

Chapter 8, "Hanja Tool," describes using Hanja Tool to add, delete, or edit Hanja choices in Hangul-Hanja conversion mode. This viewer is the only tool you can use to read or edit the binary-format Hangul-Hanja dictionary.

Appendix A, "Open Windows Information," describes the special requirements of the OpenWindows environment.

Appendix B, "Binary Compatibility Package," discusses running compiled binary code of earlier SunOSTM 4.x/Solaris 1.x/Asian OpenWindows 2.x applications without recompilation.

Appendix C, "Running Networked Applications," discusses running localized applications that reside on another machine across your network.

Appendix D, "Mapping Korean Keyboard Function," discusses how to configure a Sun Korean keyboard to make selected key functions when you need them.

The Glossary is a list of words and phrases found in the Korean Solaris documentation set and their definitions.

Related Books

You should become familiar with the following basic documentation:

Advanced users may want to read Solaris Advanced User's Guide. Advanced users wanting to customize their system environment or the operations of their Sun tools will find pertinent information in International Language Environments Guide and Korean Solaris System Administrator's Guide. These books provide information on setting up, administering, programming, and customizing product features for advanced users, developers/programmers, and systems administrators.

What Typographic Changes Mean

The following table describes the typographic changes used in this book.

Table P-1 Typographic Conventions

Typeface or Symbol 




The names of commands, files, and directories; on-screen computer output 

Edit your .login file.

Use ls -a to list all files.

machine_name% You have mail.


What you type, contrasted with on-screen computer output 

machine_name% su



Command-line placeholder: 

replace with a real name or value 

To delete a file, type rm filename.


Book titles, new words or terms, or words to be emphasized 

Read Chapter 6 in User's Guide. These are called class options.

You must be root to do this.

Shell Prompts in Command Examples

The following table shows the default system prompt and superuser prompt for the C shell, Bourne shell, and Korn shell.

Table P-2 Shell Prompts



C shell prompt 


C shell superuser prompt 


Bourne shell and Korn shell prompt 


Bourne shell and Korn shell superuser prompt 
