Traditional Chinese Solaris System Administrator's Guide

Keybinding for the htt Input Server

In reference to theTraditional Chinese window system input server, the keybinding process links certain keys on the keyboard with certain actions by an application. You can keybind a complex action by an application, for example closing its open windows, to a single key or sequence of keys like Control-H or Esc w c.

All input conversion mode Control-key commands associated with EUC and Big5 non-ASCII input conversion are set in /usr/lib/mle/zh_TW/keybind.dat. The default commands are listed in the table in Chapter 4, "Entering Traditional Chinese Input," in Traditional Chinese Solaris User's Guide.

Customizing Keybinding Control Keys

Keybindings can be changed by changing the names of the keys in this file and then restarting the htt input server. You can make and use your own customized keybind.dat file as follows:

  1. Make a customized copy named keybind.dat in another directory.

  2. Set the environment variable MLE_PATH to the path name of the directory containing this customized file.

  3. Start the input server.

    The directory set in MLE_PATH is then searched for a keybind.dat file and the commands in that file are set for the user.

    If MLE_PATH is not set or does not contain a usable keybind.dat file, /usr/lib/mle/zh_TW/keybind.dat is used.

    To change the keybindings, edit the keybinding file to replace default keys with new keys. Key combinations and ON/OFF toggling also can be used.