IA-32 Assembly Language Reference Manual

Chapter 1 Assembler Input

The IA-32 Assembler translates source files in the assembly language format specified in this document into relocatable object files for processing by the link editor. This translation process is called assembly. The main input required to assemble a source file in assembly language format is that source file itself.

This chapter has the following organization:


In whatever manner it is produced, the source input file must have a certain structure and content. The specification of this structure and content constitutes the syntax of the assembly language. A source file may be produced by one of the following:

The assembler may also allow ancillary input incidental to the translation process. For example, there are several invocation options available. Each such option exercised constitutes information input to the assembler. However, this ancillary input has little direct connection to the translation process, so it is not properly a subject for this manual. Information about invoking the assembler and the available options appears in the as(1) man pages.

This chapter describes the overall structure required by the assembler for input source files. This structure is relatively simple: the input source file must be a sequence of assembly language statements. This chapter also begins the specification of the contents of the input source file by describing assembly language statements as textual objects of a certain form.

This document completes the specification by presenting detailed assembly language statements that correspond to the IA--32 instruction set. For more information on assembly language instruction sets, please refer to the product documentation from Intel Corporation.

Source Files in Assembly Language Format

This section details the following:

File Organization

Input to the assembler is a text file consisting of a sequence of statements. Each statement ends with the first occurrence of a newline character (ASCII LF), or of a semicolon (;) that is not within a string operand or between a slash and a newline character. Thus, it is possible to have several statements on one line.

To make programs easy to read, understand and maintain, however, it is good programming practice not to have more than one statement per line. As indicated above, a line may contain one or more statements. If several statements appear on a line, they must be separated by semicolons (;).


This section outlines the types of statements that apply to assembly language. Each statement must be one of the following types:

Furthermore, any statement remains a statement even if it is modified in either or both of the following ways:

Values and Symbol Types

This section presents the values and symbol types that the assembler uses.


Values are represented in the assembler by numerals which can be faithfully represented in standard two's complement binary positional notation using 32 bits. All integer arithmetic is performed using 32 bits of precision. Note, however, that the values used in an IA--32 instruction may require 8, 16, or 32 bits.


A symbol has a value and a symbol type, each of which is either specified explicitly by an assignment statement or implicitly from context. Refer to the next section for the regular definition of the expressions of a symbol.

The following symbols are reserved by the assembler:

.Commonly referred to as dot. This is the location counter while assembling a program. It takes on the current location in the text, data, or bss section.


This symbol is of type text. It is used to label the beginning of a .text section in the program being assembled.


This symbol is of type data. It is used to label the beginning of a data section in the program being assembled.


This symbol is of type bss. It is used to label the beginning of a .bss section in the program being assembled.


This is used with C++ programs which require constructors.


This is used with C++ programs which require destructors.

Symbol Types

Symbol type is one of the following:


A value is of undefined symbol type if it has not yet been defined. Example instances of undefined symbol types are forward references and externals.


A value is of absolute symbol type it does not change with relocation. Example instances of absolute symbol types are numeric constants and expressions whose proper sub-expressions are themselves all absolute.


A value is of text symbol type if it is relative to the .text section.


A value is of data symbol type if it is relative to the .data section.


A value is of bss symbol type if it is relative to the .bss section.

You can give any of these symbol types the attribute EXTERNAL.


Five of the symbol types are defined with respect to certain sections of the object file into which the assembler translates the source file. This section describes symbol types.

If the assembler translates a particular assembly language statement into a machine language instruction or into a data allocation, the translation is associated with one of the following five sections of the object file into which the assembler is translating the source file:

Table 1-1 Translations and their Associations




This is an initialized section. Normally, it is read-only and contains code from a program. It may also contain read-only tables 


This is an initialized section. Normally, it is readable and writable. It contains initialized data. These can be scalars or tables. 


This is an initialized section. Space is not allocated for this segment in the object file. 


This is used with C++ programs that require constructors. 


This is used by C++ programs that require destructors. 

An optional section, .comment, may also be produced.

The section associated with the translated statement is .text unless the original statement occurs after a section control pseudo operation has directed the assembler to associate the statement with another section.


The expressions accepted by the assembler are defined by their syntax and semantics. The following are the operators supported by the assembler:

Table 1-2 Operators Supported by the Assembler









Bitwise logical and 

Bitwise logical or 


Right shift 


Left shift 


Remainder operator 

Bitwise logical and not 

Bitwise logical XOR 

Expression Syntax

Table 1-3 shows syntactic rules, the non terminals are represented by lowercase letters, the terminal symbols are represented by uppercase letters, and the symbols enclosed in double quotes are terminal symbols. There is no precedence assigned to the operators. You must use square brackets to establish precedence.

Table 1-3 Syntactical Rules of Expressions

	expr		: term
		| expr "+" term
		| expr "-" term
		| expr "\*" term
		| expr "\/" term
		| expr "&" term
		| expr "|" term
		| expr ">>" term
		| expr "<<" term
		| expr "\%" term
		| expr "!" term
		| expr "^" term
		term			: id
		| number		| "-" term
		| "[" expr "]"
		| "<o>" term
		| "<s>" term

		id	: LABEL

		number		: DEC_VAL

The terminal nodes are given by the following regular expressions:

	LABEL   = [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*:
	DEC_VAL = [1-9][0-9]*
	HEX_VAL = 0[Xx][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]*
	OCT_VAL = 0[0-7]*
	BIN_VAL = 0[Bb][0-1][0-1]*

In the above regular expressions, choices are enclosed in square brackets; a range of choices is indicated by letters or numbers separated by a dash (-); and the asterisk (*) indicates zero or more instances of the previous character.

Expression Semantics (Absolute vs. Relocatable)

Semantically, the expressions fall into two groups, absolute and relocatable. The equations later in this section show the legal combinations of absolute and relocatable operands for the addition and subtraction operators. All other operations are only legal on absolute-valued expressions.

All numbers have the absolute attribute. Symbols used to reference storage, text, or data are relocatable. In an assignment statement, symbols on the left side inherit their relocation attributes from the right side.

In the equations below, a is an absolute-valued expression and r is a relocatable-valued expression. The resulting type of the operation is shown to the right of the equal sign.

	a + a = a
	r + a = r
	a - a = a
	r - a = r
	r - r = a

In the last example, you must declare the relocatable expressions before taking their difference.

Following are some examples of valid expressions:



	[label + 0x100]

	[label1 - label2]

	$[label1 - label2]

Following are some examples of invalid expressions:

	[$label - $label]

	[label1 * 5]

	(label + 0x20)

Machine Instruction Syntax

This section describes the instructions that the assembler accepts. The detailed specification of how the particular instructions operate is not included; for this, see Intel's 80386 Programmer's Reference Manual.

The following list describes the three main aspects of the IA-32 Assembler assembler:


Three kinds of operands are generally available to the instructions: register, memory, and immediate. Indirect operands are available only to jump and call instructions.

The assembler always assumes it is generating code for a 32-bit segment. When 16-bit data is called for (e.g., movw %ax, %bx), the assembler automatically generates the 16-bit data prefix byte.

Byte, word, and long registers are available on the IA--32 processor. The instruction pointer (%eip) and flag register (%efl) are not available as explicit operands to the instructions. The code segment (%cs) may be used as a source operand but not as a destination operand.

The names of the byte, word, and long registers available as operands and a brief description of each follow. The segment registers are also listed.

Table 1-4 8-bit (byte) General Registers


Low byte of %ax register 


High byte of %ax register 


Low byte of %cx register 


High byte of %cx register 


Low byte of %dx register 


High byte of %dx register 


Low byte of %bx register 


High byte of %bx register 

Table 1-5 16-bit (word) General Registers


Low 16-bits of %eax register 


Low 16-bits of %ecx register 


Low 16-bits of %edx register 


Low 16-bits of %ebx register 


Low 16-bits of the stack pointer 


Low 16-bits of the frame pointer  


Low 16-bits of the source index register  


Low 16-bits of the destination index register 

Table 1-6 32-bit (long) General Registers


32-bit general register 


32-bit general register 


32-bit general register 


32-bit general register 


32-bit stack pointer 


32-bit frame pointer 


32-bit source index register 


32-bit destination index register 

Table 1-7 Description of Segment Registers


Code segment register; all references to the instruction space use this register 


Data segment register, the default segment register for most references to memory operands 


Stack segment register, the default segment register for memory operands in the stack (i.e., default segment register for %bp, %sp, %esp, and %ebp) 


General-purpose segment register; some string instructions use this extra segment as their default segment 


General-purpose segment register 


General-purpose segment register 

Instruction Description

This section describes the IA--32 instruction syntax.

The assembler assumes it is generating code for a 32-bit segment, therefore, it also assumes a 32-bit address and automatically precedes word operations with a 16-bit data prefix byte.

Addressing Modes

Addressing modes are represented by the following:


Following are some examples of addresses:

movl var, %eax

Move the contents of memory location var into %eax.

movl %cs:var, %eax

Move the contents of the memory location var in the code segment into %eax.

movl $var, %eax

Move the address of var into %eax.

movl array_base(%esi), %eax

Add the address of memory location array_base to the contents of %esi to get an address in memory. Move the contents of this address into %eax.

movl (%ebx, %esi, 4), %eax

Multiply the contents of %esi by 4 and add this to the contents of %ebx to produce a memory reference. Move the contents of this memory location into %eax.

movl struct_base(%ebx, %esi, 4), %eax

Multiply the contents of %esi by 4, add this to the contents of %ebx, and add this to the address of struct_base to produce an address. Move the contents of this address into %eax.

Expressions and Immediate Values

An immediate value is an expression preceded by a dollar sign:

immediate: "$" expr

Immediate values carry the absolute or relocatable attributes of their expression component. Immediate values cannot be used in an expression, and should be considered as another form of address, i.e., the immediate form of address.

immediate: "$" expr "," "$" expr

The first expr is 16 bits of segment. The second expr is 32 bits of offset.

Pseudo Operations

The pseudo-operations listed in this section are supported by the IA-32 Assembler.

General Pseudo Operations

Below is a list of the pseudo operations supported by the assembler. This is followed by a separate listing of pseudo operations included for the benefit of the debuggers (dbx(1)).

.align val

The align pseudo op causes the next data generated to be aligned modulo val. val should be a positive integer value.

.bcd val

The .bcd pseudo op generates a packed decimal (80-bit) value into the current section. This is not valid for the .bss section. val is a nonfloating-point constant.


The .bss pseudo op changes the current section to .bss.

.bss tag, bytes

Define symbol tag in the .bss section and add bytes to the value of dot for .bss. This does not change the current section to .bss. bytes must be a positive integer value.

.byte val [, val]

The .byte pseudo op generates initialized bytes into the current section. This is not valid for .bss. Each val must be an 8-bit value.

.comm name, expr [, alignment]

The .comm pseudo op allocates storage in the .data section. The storage is referenced by the symbol name, and has a size in bytes of expr. expr must be a positive integer. name cannot be predefined. If the alignment is given, the address of the name is aligned to a multiple of alignments.


The data pseudo op changes the current section to .data.

.double val

The .double pseudo op generates an 80387 64 bit floating-point constant (IEEE 754) into the current section. Not valid in the .bss section. val is a floating-point constant. val is a string acceptable to atof(3); that is, an optional sign followed by a non-empty string of digits with optional decimal point and optional exponent.


The .even pseudo op aligns the current program counter (.) to an even boundary.

.file "string"

The .file op creates a symbol table entry where string is the symbol name and STT_FILE is the symbol table type. string specifies the name of the source file associated with the object file.

.float val

The .float pseudo op generates an 80387 32 bit floating-point constant (IEEE 754) into the current section. This is not valid in the .bss section. val is a floating-point constant. val is a string acceptable to atof(3); that is, an optional sign followed by a non-empty string of digits with optional decimal point and optional exponent.

.globl symbol [, symbol]*

The globl op declares each symbol in the list to be global; that is, each symbol is either defined externally or defined in the input file and accessible in other files; default bindings for the symbol are overridden.

  • A global symbol definition in one file satisfies an undefined reference to the same global symbol in another file.

  • Multiple definitions of a defined global symbol is not allowed. If a defined global symbol has more than one definition, an error occurs.

Note -

This pseudo-op by itself does not define the symbol.

.ident "string"

The .ident pseudo op creates an entry in the comment section containing string. string is any sequence of characters, not including the double quote (").

.lcomm name, expr

The .lcomm pseudo op allocates storage in the .bss section. The storage is referenced by the symbol name, and has a size of expr. name cannot be predefined, and expr must be a positive integer type. If the alignment is given, the address of name is aligned to a multiple of alignment.

.local symbol [, symbol]*

Declares each symbol in the list to be local; that is, each symbol is defined in the input file and not accessible in other files; default bindings for the symbol are overridden. These symbols take precedence over weak and global symbols.

Because local symbols are not accessible to other files, local symbols of the same name may exist in multiple files.

Note -

This pseudo-op by itself does not define the symbol.

.long val

The .long pseudo op generates a long integer (32-bit, two's complement value) into the current section. This pseudo op is not valid for the .bss section. val is a nonfloating-point constant.


Defines the end of a block of instruction. The instructions in the block may not be permuted. This pseudo-op has no effect if:

  • The block of instruction has been previously terminated by a Control Transfer Instruction (CTI) or a label

  • There is no preceding .volatile pseudo-op

.section section_name [, attributes]

Makes the specified section the current section.

The assembler maintains a section stack which is manipulated by the section control directives. The current section is the section that is currently on top of the stack. This pseudo-op changes the top of the section stack.

  • If section_name does not exist, a new section with the specified name and attributes is created.

  • If section_name is a non-reserved section, attributes must be included the first time it is specified by the .section directive.

.set name, expr

The .set pseudo op sets the value of symbol name to expr. This is equivalent to an assignment.

.string "str"

This pseudo op places the characters in str into the object module at the current location and terminates the string with a null. The string must be enclosed in double quotes (""). This pseudo op is not valid for the .bss section.


The .text pseudo op defines the current section as .text.

.value expr [,expr]

The .value pseudo op is used to generate an initialized word (16-bit, two's complement value) into the current section. This pseudo op is not valid in the .bss section. Each expr must be a 16-bit value.

.version string

The .version pseudo op puts the C compiler version number into the .comment section.


Defines the beginning of a block of instruction. The instructions in the section may not be changed. The block of instruction should end at a .nonvolatile pseudo-op and should not contain any Control Transfer Instructions (CTI) or labels. The volatile block of instructions is terminated after the last instruction preceding a CTI or label.

.weak symbol [, symbol]

Declares each symbol in the list to be defined either externally, or in the input file and accessible to other files; default bindings of the symbol are overridden by this directive.

  • A weak symbol definition in one file satisfies an undefined reference to a global symbol of the same name in another file.

  • Unresolved weak symbols have a default value of zero; the link editor does not resolve these symbols.

  • If a weak symbol has the same name as a defined global symbol, the weak symbol is ignored and no error results.

Note -

This pseudo-op does not itself define the symbol.

symbol =expr

Assigns the value of expr to symbol.

Symbol Definition Pseudo Operations

.def name

The .def pseudo op starts a symbolic description for symbol name. See endef. name is a symbol name.

.dim expr [,expr]

The .dim pseudo op is used with the .def pseudo op. If the name of a .def is an array, the expressions give the dimensions; up to four dimensions are accepted. The type of each expression should be positive.


The .endef pseudo op is the ending bracket for a .def.

.file name

The .file pseudo op is the source file name. Only one is allowed per source file. This must be the first line in an assembly file.

.line expr

The .line pseudo op is used with the .def pseudo op. It defines the source line number of the definition of symbol name in the .def. expr should yield a positive value.

.ln line [,addr]

This pseudo op provides the relative source line number to the beginning of a function. It is used to pass information through to sdb.

.scl expr

The .scl pseudo op is used with the .def pseudo op. Within the .def it gives name the storage class of expr. The type of expr should be positive.

.size expr

The .size pseudo op is used with the .def pseudo op. If the name of a .def is an object such as a structure or an array, this gives it a total size of expr. expr must be a positive integer.

.stabs name type 0 desc value

.stabn type 0 desc value

The .stabs and .stabn pseudo ops are debugger directives generated by the C compiler when the -g option is used. name provides the symbol table name and type structure. type identifies the type of symbolic information (that is, source file, global symbol, or source line). desc specifies the number of bytes occupied by a variable or type, or the nesting level for a scope symbol. value specifies an address or an offset.

.tag str

The .tag pseudo op is used in conjunction with a previously defined .def pseudo op. If the name of a .def is a structure or a union, str should be the name of that structure or union tag defined in a previous .def-.endef pair.

.type expr

The .type pseudo op is used within a .def-.endef pair. It gives name the C compiler type representation expr.

.val expr

The .val pseudo op is used with a .def-.endef pair. It gives name (in the .def) the value of expr. The type of expr determines the section for name.