IA-32 Assembly Language Reference Manual

Repeat String Operation (rep, repnz, repz)


repeat string-operation until tested-condition


Use the rep (repeat while equal), repnz (repeat while nonzero) or repz (repeat while zero) prefixes in conjunction with string operations. Each prefix causes the associated string instruction to repeat until the count register (CX) or the zero flag (ZF) matches a tested condition.


Repeat while equal: Copy the 8-bit byte from the DS:[(E)SI] to the ES:[(E)DI] register.

rep; movsb

Repeat while not zero: Compare the memory byte double-word addressed in the destination register EDL, relative to the ES segment, with the contents of the EAX register.

repnz; scasl

Repeat while zero:Transfer the contents of the EAX register to the memory double-word addressed in the destination register EDL, relative to the ES segment.

repz; stosl