Solstice AdminTool (admintool) may no longer be supported in a future release. This tool performs user management, printer management, software package management, serial port management, group management, and host management.
The print management function is currently available in the Solaris 8 operating environment (see /usr/sadm/admin/bin/printmgr).
Solstice Enterprise Agents may no longer be supported in a future release. This functionality has been replaced by the Solaris Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) Services feature that is released as part of the Solaris 8 operating environment.
XIL may no longer be supported in a future release. An application using XIL causes the following warning message to be displayed.
WARNING: XIL OBSOLESCENCE This application uses the Solaris XIL interface which has been declared obsolete and may not be present in version of Solaris beyond Solaris 8. Please notify your application supplier. The message can be suppressed by setting the environment variable "_XIL_SUPPRESS_OBSOLETE_MSG. |
LDAP client library,, may no longer be supported in a future release. The new version of this library,, is compliant with the draft-ietf-ldapext-ldap-c-api-04.txt revision of the ldap-c-api draft from the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).
Version 1.1.x of the JDK and JRE may no longer be supported in a future release. Near-equivalent functionality is supported by Java 2 Standard Edition, versions 1.2 onwards.
The SUNWrdm package, formerly containing release notes and installed in /usr/share/release_info, may not be included on the Solaris Software CD in a future release.
For release notes, refer to the Release Notes on the Solaris Documentation CD, the printed Installation Release Notes, or the Release Notes Update available on
The crash(1M) utility may no longer be supported in a future release. The crash command is a utility that examines system crash dump files, whose functionality is superseded by the new mdb(1) utility. The crash command's interface has been structured around implementation details, such as slots, that have no relation to the Solaris operating system implementation.
To enable the transition, the Solaris 8 operating environment includes documentation about the mdb syntax that is equivalent to each crash subcommand.
The Kerberos version 4 client may be removed in a future release. This includes the Kerberos version 4 support in the kinit(1), kdestroy(1), klist(1), ksrvtgt(1), mount_nfs(1M), share(1M), and kerbd(1M) commands, in the kerberos(3N) library, and in the ONC RPC programming APIkerberos_rpc(3KRB).
The adb(1) utility may be implemented as a link to the new mdb(1) utility in a future version of the Solaris 8 operating environment.
The mdb(1) man page describes the features of the new debugger, including its adb(1) compatibility mode. Even in this compatibility mode, differences between adb(1) and mdb(1) exist. They are:
The text output format of some subcommands is different in mdb(1). Macro files are formatted using the same rules, but scripts that depend on the output of other subcommands may need to be modified.
The watchpoint length specifier syntax in mdb(1) is different from the syntax described in adb(1). The adb(1) watchpoint commands :w, :a, and :p allow an integer length (in bytes) to be inserted between the colon and the command character. In mdb(1), the count should be specified following the initial address as a repeat count.
The adb(1) command 123:456w is specified in mdb(1) as 123,456:w.
The /m, /*m, ?m, and ?*m format specifiers are not recognized or supported by mdb(1).
OpenWindowsTM XViewTM and OLIT toolkits may no longer be supported in a future release. You may want to migrate to the Motif toolkit. To disable the warning message, use #define OWTOOLKIT_WARNING_DISABLED or -D.
The OpenWindows environment may no longer be supported in a future release. You may want to migrate to CDE, the Common Desktop Environment.
The Federated Naming Service based on the X/Open XFN standard may no longer be supported in a future release.
The ability to apply the ipcs(1) command to system crash dumps using the -C and -N command line options may no longer be supported in a future release. Equivalent functionality is now provided by the mdb(1) ::ipcs debugger command.
The -AutoRebuildAliases option for the sendmail(1m) man page is deprecated and may no longer be supported in a future release.
The following sun4d-based architecture servers may no longer be supported in a future release.
SPARCserverTM 1000
SPARCcenterTM 2000