Mobile IP Administration Guide

snoop Extensions for Mobile IP

Mobile IP extensions have been added to the snoop(1M) command to identify Mobile IP traffic on the link. See the snoop(1M) man page for more information.

The following example shows the output of snoop running on the mobile node, mip-mn2.

Example 2-3 Output From snoop Command

mip-mn2# snoop
Using device /dev/hme (promiscuous mode)
  mip-fa2 ->    ICMP Router advertisement (Lifetime 200s [1]: 
{mip-fa2-80 2147483648}), (Mobility Agent Extension), (Prefix Lengths), 
  mip-mn2 -> mip-fa2   Mobile IP reg rqst 
  mip-fa2 -> mip-mn2   Mobile IP reg reply (OK code 0)

This example shows that the mobile node received one of the periodically sent mobility agent advertisements from the foreign agent, mip-fa2. Then mip-mn2 sent a registration request to mip-fa2, and in response, received a registration reply. The registration reply indicates that the mobile node successfully registered with it's home agent.