Mobile IP Administration Guide

How to Add or Delete Configuration File Parameters

  1. Become superuser on the system where you want to enable Mobile IP.

  2. On a command line, type the appropriate command for each label that you want to add or delete for the designated section.

    For the General section use:

    # mipagentconfig [add | delete] <label> <value>

    For the Advertisements section use:

    # mipagentconfig [add | delete] adv device-name <label> <value>

    Note -

    You can add an interface by typing:

    # mipagentconfig add adv device-name

    In this case, default values are assigned to the interface (for both foreign agent and home agent).

    For the GlobalSecurityParameters section use:

    # mipagentconfig [add | delete] <label> <value>

    For the Pool section use:

    # mipagentconfig [add | delete] Pool Pool-identifier <label> <value>

    For the SPI section use:

    # mipagentconfig [add | delete] SPI SPI-identifier <label> <value>

    For the Address section use:

    # mipagentconfig [add | delete] addr [NAI | IPaddr | node-default] \
    <label> <value>

Note -

Be careful that you do not create identical Advertisements, Pool, SPI, and Address sections.

For example, if you wanted to create a new address pool, say Pool 11, that has a base address of and a size of 100, use the following commands.

Example 3-7 Adding a New Pool and Parameters

# mipagentconfig add Pool 11 BaseAddress 
# mipagentconfig add Pool 11 size 100

Or you might want to delete a particular security parameter. The following example shows you how to delete SPI 257.

Example 3-8 Deleting an SPI

# mipagentconfig delete SPI 257