Solaris Handbook for Sun Frame Buffers

Running OpenWindows on Multiple Monitors

  1. To run multiple monitors with OpenWindows Version 3

  1. Set up the OpenWindows Version 3 environment by typing the following command (use the actual pathname for /usr/local where OpenWindows Version 3 software is located):

    % setenv OPENWINHOME [[/usr/local/openwin]]

  2. Verify that a device file already exists for the desired frame buffer by typing:

    # ls -l /dev/fbs/cgsix1

    If the device file already exists, a message similar to the one shown below is displayed. If so, skip Steps 3, 4, and 5 and go to Step 6. If the "not found" message is displayed, continue to Step 3.

    crw-rw-rw- 1 root      67,   0 Jan 10 1991 /dev/fbs/cgsix1

  3. Become superuser, halt the system, and perform a reconfiguration boot, as follows:

    # boot -r

    The system probes all of the attached hardware devices and creates the device file for the second frame buffer.

  4. Verify the newly created file by typing:

    # ls -l /dev/fbs/cgsix1

    A message similar to the following is displayed, indicating that the device file was successfully created:

    crw-rw-rw- 1 root      67,   0 Jan 10 1991 /dev/fbs/cgsix1

  5. Exit the superuser mode.

  6. Specify the screens that you want to run by typing:

    % $OPENWINHOME/bin/openwin -dev /dev/fb -dev /dev/fbs/cgsix1

    Note -

    The order in which the devices are listed is important. The first device corresponds to the left screen; the second device corresponds to the right screen. The names of your devices (for example, /dev/fbs/cgsix1) may differ. Use the device file name that is appropriate for your system.